Home » Sanna Marin submits resignation from Finnish government

Sanna Marin submits resignation from Finnish government

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Sanna Marin submits resignation from Finnish government

President Sauli Niinistö accepted the request, his office announced on Thursday. However, the 37-year-old social democrat will remain in office until her successor is found.

Marin has been prime minister since late 2019. She heads a centre-left coalition consisting of five parties. In the election on Sunday, however, their Social Democrats were only the third strongest force behind the conservative National Coalition Party and the right-wing populist party The Finns. This marks a change of government in Helsinki. After Easter, the conservative election winner Petteri Orpo wants to hold talks with all parties about a possible new government coalition.

Marin announced on Wednesday that she would vacate her post as leader of the Social Democrats at a party conference in September. Afterwards she wants to continue as a normal member of parliament in Helsinki.

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