Home » Have you ever heard of the city of Slovak in the USA? | Reports | .a week

Have you ever heard of the city of Slovak in the USA? | Reports | .a week

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Have you ever heard of the city of Slovak in the USA?  |  Reports |  .a week

this agricultural community was founded by the Slovak Colonization Company (Slovak Colonization Company) in 1894 as a result of the inhumane working conditions in the Pennsylvania mines and steel mills.

return to farming

At that time, millions of Europeans left for work in America. The great wave of emigration also affected Slovakia, then Upper Hungary. A third of the nation was lured away by the opportunities offered by rapidly developing industries in the US. Although there was talk of streets paved with gold, work in America was hard and dangerous. However, the salary was up to ten times higher than what Slovak farmers could earn at home.

Between 1870 and 1920, around 750,000 people left Slovakia, determined to secure a better life for themselves. They worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk to save money and return home rich. A third of them actually returned, but the rest remained across the ocean. However, they were sad for their homeland and dreamed of creating a Slovakia in America.

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