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Why the ball is becoming a luxury

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Why the ball is becoming a luxury

Expensive cooling off in summer: Ice cream costs more and more in stores.
Artur Debat via Getty Images

Ice cream is getting more expensive every year. That also has something to do with the Ukraine war, explains an ice cream parlor owner „Spiegel“.

Food prices have risen since the war of aggression. This also affects the price of ice cream.

But rising energy and labor costs are also causing problems for ice cream shop owners.

A scoop of ice cream puts a smile on almost everyone’s lips – whether child or adult. But the cold seduction is becoming more and more expensive. A euro for a bullet? Those days are over. But why are prices rising so much?

In conversation with the „Spiegel“ explains the ice cream parlor owner Davina Utz from Munich that the high ice cream prices are also related to the Ukraine war. Their ice cream is therefore made from pasture milk directly from the farmer. But food prices have risen significantly since Russia attacked. “I pay 60 percent more for sugar than last year, 40 percent for ice cream cones, more than 100 percent for dextrose, and the locust bean gum binder costs me 250 percent more,” explains Utz to the “Spiegel”.

For the ice cream shop owner, price increases are therefore inevitable. A ball should cost 2.50 euros in her shop “True&12” this season – in 2019 it was 1.80 euros.

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In addition to the food prices, the electricity, wage and rental costs for operators have also increased, explains ice cream parlor owner Markus Deibler to the “Spiegel”. By 30 percent, according to figures from the Federal Statistical Office show. “Anyone who doesn’t increase the ice cream prices now earned a lot last year or will have a problem in six months,” says Deibler

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