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How to resume the daily routine after Easter

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How to resume the daily routine after Easter

How nice to rest. Who doesn’t long for holidays to get away? That is the most enjoyable part. However, the problem is when the daily routine must be resumed.

Gone was a week where many went out to rest from the daily tasks of work, studies and, why not, from physical activities. In addition, a few days out of the city went down very well to escape a little from the monotony, clear up, travel and eat differently. However, after this pause it is necessary to return to daily activities.

According to Carlos Alberto Ulloa, mA sports doctor and member of the Herbalife Nutrition Nutrition Advisory Board, after a few days of vacation he developed a post-vacation syndrome.

“This syndrome is characterized by generating in people the desire not to do things, depression and severe difficulty in resuming work, academic or home life; the notion of time is lost and leisure becomes a priority”, explains the specialist.

To overcome this syndrome and resume physical activity, it is important to include and put into practice the following recommendations, which include aspects such as diet and hydration.

Balanced diet: It is advisable to once again include lean protein of animal or vegetable origin in the daily menu, foods that provide vitamins, minerals and fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, and combine them with whole grains and legumes.

Regular physical activity: To resume exercise routines after a vacation season, it is advisable to do it gradually and set short-term goals. You can start with light exercises such as walking, jogging or stretching and little by little recover the level you had before the holidays.

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Hydration: If this habit was paused during the holidays or not followed completely, it is important to resume it to enjoy its benefits. The recommended thing is consume approximately 2 liters of water a day to avoid dehydration and its symptoms: dizziness, fatigue, headache, feeling weak, dry mouth and thirst.

Rest: establish hours and frequencies to sleep, this can also help to resume rest and restful sleep and, thus, be more prepared for daily routines.

Organization: Another recommendation is to organize the spaces after vacation. A clean and orderly environment clears the mind, helps to focus and be in tune with work. It is important to start little by little and gradually move forward in resuming the days before the holidays. With these tips, you will undoubtedly see results over time. There is no excuse for not resuming a more active and, most importantly, healthy lifestyle.

Little challenges: specialists recommend establish small challenges, starting by doing simple tasks that can help increase confidence, define specific objectives, goals that are within reach.

Positive attitude: After coming from a few days off it is better to be happy for the experiences lived and thank you for having returned to the routine. It is important to have gratitude in the best moments and not get carried away by melancholy or laziness.

Recover the sleep cycle: If you want to return to work easily, you must prepare yourself physically. Go to bed early the night before going to the office or earlier than usual to fully rest. Experts also recommend waking up earlier the day you return to your routine, so you can start the day with extra time to go at a less fast pace and complete your pending tasks.

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