Home » Do you often have fits of anger? With these exercises you control and eliminate it

Do you often have fits of anger? With these exercises you control and eliminate it

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Do you often have fits of anger?  With these exercises you control and eliminate it

Controlling anger is simple, if you know how to do it. Here’s a quick guide to curbing nerves and aggression.

All of us experience more or less often, and in one way or another, feelings of anger. It is a natural and even healthy emotion, if handled in the right way. The problem arises when it becomes unmanageable and strongly impacts the nervous system, so as to compromise our state of health. The risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, to name just two concrete threats, is always around the corner.

Science says aerobic exercise can be of great help in reducing anxiety and depression (Grantennistoscana.it)

The good news is that It is possible to implement different strategies to effectively counter anger. Partly with exercise, which can be a way to release tension and stress. Science says aerobic exercise, in particular, can help ease anxiety and depression and help cultivate optimism and a good mood.

The secrets to managing anger attacks

Some people prefer to release their anger with explosive movements, and then opt for boxing or kick boxing, training circuits, cross fit and even dance. Others instead focus on the art of calm through meditation and breathing to reduce the heart rate with exercises that unite mind and body, such as yoga or Tai Chi. Still others find benefits in a combination of both options, such as hiking in nature.

anger attacks how to control it exercise
Healthy physical exertion can go a long way in detoxifying our minds, while also benefiting our bodies. (Pixabay – Grantennistoscana.it)

Generally speaking, anything that is useful to is fine redirect attention to focus on movement challenges, so that concentration can be diverted – at least temporarily – from the source of anger. As mentioned, aerobic activity is certainly – scientific data in hand – the best solution to reduce anxiety and anger: sweating to calm the nerves is an excellent trick.

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And high intensity workout that requires a lot of mental concentration and engages our body thoroughly is jumping rope. Such an exercise allows you to quickly increase your heart rate and burn a lot of calories. All even with very little equipment, at the price of a few euros. And there’s no risk of getting bored, given the many possibilities for variation on the theme. Healthy fatigue can go a long way in detoxifying our minds. Seeing is believing.

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