Home » Milan, newborn left in Mangiagalli’s “Cradle for life”.

Milan, newborn left in Mangiagalli’s “Cradle for life”.

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Milan, newborn left in Mangiagalli’s “Cradle for life”.

And bimbo born a few days ago was left on Easter day in the “Cradle for lifeof the Clinic Eat thema Milano. The baby weighs about 2.6 kilos and is in good health. Next to the newborn, a letter: “Hi, my name is Aeneas. I was born in the hospital because my mother wanted to be sure that everything was ok and to be together as much as possible”. The mother signed it, reassuring that the little one “is super healthy and all the tests done in the hospital are ok”. The woman she would write that she loved him very much, but that she could not take care of him.

What is “Cradle for Life” and how it works The “Cradle for life” of the Milan Polyclinic is the modern version of the “wheel of exhibits”. The mother in difficulty, who cannot raise her child, can leave him in total anonymity, entrusting him to the care of doctors. To welcome Aeneas, the Culla was activated at 11:40 on Sunday. “It is something that few people know – comments Ezio Belleri, general manager of the Milan Polyclinic – but in the hospital you can give birth anonymously, for the safety of mother and child. Furthermore, there are Cradles for Life: ours is located at entrance to the Mangiagalli Clinic and allows you to welcome in total safety a child whose parents unfortunately cannot keep them with them.It is a dramatic decision, but the Culla allows you to entrust the child to a facility where immediate care is guaranteed and which preserves absolute anonymity for the parents”.

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He is the third child left since 2007 The Cradle for Life at the Milan Polyclinic has been active since 2007 and the Easter case is the third recorded case. The first two took place in 2012 and 2016: two boys, Mario and Giovanni. The Cradle is a protected and heated environment and is structured in such a way as to immediately notify the healthcare personnel: once the baby is welcomed inside, a discreet alarm notifies the Neonatology doctors and nurses who can take care of the baby within a few minutes. “Similar occasions underline how the Cradle for Life system is fundamental – concludes Fabio Mosca, director of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care at the Milan Polyclinic – because it allows us to welcome the baby and help the mother in her dramatic choice, safely”.

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