Home » Commerce in Guamote decreases due to Holy Week and heavy rains

Commerce in Guamote decreases due to Holy Week and heavy rains

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Commerce in Guamote decreases due to Holy Week and heavy rains


Due to the heavy rains that some sectors of the southern part of the country face, the market place of the Guamote canton, on Thursday, April 6, 2023, faced a commercial crisis, due to the low income of sellers and buyers.

Guamote canton flea market without merchants.

The cattle fair in Guamote was not of great help to the merchants; Due to the heavy rains and the Easter holiday, several vendors from the different provinces did not come to work. “On these dates, every year the business goes down, people say that they cannot eat meat, it is then that the sale of cattle by weight is not good; In addition, today since we arrived the weather has not been favourable, with the rain people prefer not to go out,” said Mario Tenezaca, a merchant.

Jaime Figueroa Romero, administrator of squares and markets, revealed some inconveniences due to which there would not be many sellers and buyers of cattle, among them the closure of roads in various sectors. “Unlike other Thursdays, this has been very low, I consider and I understand that the majority of merchants from the southern sector come from Alausí, Chunchi, Cañar, Azogues and from different parishes and communities that are located past Alausí; Since there is no good road now, the merchants prefer not to come, as it would be risking their lives for a day’s work,” he concluded. For his part, José Garces, a cattle trader, mentioned that he has sought a way to get to Guamote, since he and his family live from that business. “Since I was a child I have dedicated myself to livestock, and all my life I have worked and raised my family; If I don’t come, I have nowhere to sell the cattle and my wife and children don’t eat. I am from the Zúnag community and I am here despite the fact that the roads by which we come are not good, ”he stressed.

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