Home » The province’s dispatched coal output in the first quarter was 15.59 million tons, the best level in the same period in ten years

The province’s dispatched coal output in the first quarter was 15.59 million tons, the best level in the same period in ten years

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News from our newspaper (Liu Fukun reporter Su Qiang)A few days ago, the reporter learned from the Provincial Coal Management Bureau that in the first quarter of this year, the province dispatched 15.59 million tons of coal output, the best level in the same period in ten years, and achieved a good start in the first quarter. The province’s coal mines have had no fatal accidents for 17 consecutive months, and no major or above accidents have occurred for 66 consecutive months.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Coal Management Bureau, at present, 181 coal mine project construction list accounts have been established in the province. According to project approval, construction filing, special acceptance, completion acceptance and other links, early intervention, full chain tracking guidance, and door-to-door service are implemented ; 13 coal mines have been put into joint trial operation or completed and put into production, releasing high-quality coal production capacity of 3.75 million tons per year.

Promoting the intelligentization of coal mining is an important measure for coal mining enterprises in our province to ensure safety and increase production. According to the “Implementation Plan for Intelligent Construction of Coal Mine in Heilongjiang Province (2023-2025)” and “Work Plan for Intelligent Construction of Coal Mine in 2023”, our province will use three years to promote coal mines with severe disasters in the province, 1.2 million tons/year and above Large coal mines and other qualified coal mines realize intelligent mining.

This year, the Provincial Coal Management Bureau sent a number of working groups to the coal mines in Jixi, Hegang, Qitaihe, Shuangyashan and other areas to provide service guidance, support and encourage production coal mines to use new equipment and new processes to improve production efficiency, and further realize coal mining automation, intelligent.

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The Provincial Coal Management Bureau also requires local coal mine supervision departments to adhere to the concept of people first and life first, solidly carry out comprehensive rectification of coal mine safety production, special rectification of coal mine safety production in key counties (districts), and advanced research and judgment to prevent major safety risks. Crack down on activities such as illegal production and construction activities, benchmark 15 safety production measures of the State Council Safety Committee, 20 of the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, and 46 safety production measures of the Provincial Safety Committee to promote stable coal production, increase production and reach production.

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