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the video with the child who forced the Dalai Lama to apologize – Corriere TV

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the video with the child who forced the Dalai Lama to apologize – Corriere TV

The images taken during a public meeting in India. The Tibetan spiritual leader’s office said it would apologize to the boy and his family

The Dalai Lama he apologized on Twitter after the publication on social networks of a video that portrays him while kissing a guy on the lips and asks him to “suck his tongue». After the criticisms that have multiplied on social media, the Tibetan spiritual leader’s office said it wanted to apologize to the boy and his family “for the pain that his words may have caused”.

“His Holiness wishes apologize to the child and his family, as well as with his many friends around the world, for the pain that his words may have caused “- reports the note published on social media. He continues: «His Holiness often makes fun of the people he meets in an innocent and joking way, even in public and in front of television cameras. He regrets this incident» continues the message.

The video was taken during an event on Feb. 28 when the Dalai Lama spoke to a group of students at Tsuglagkhang temple in Dharamshala, in North India. In the video we see a little boy approaching a microphone and asking the Buddhist spiritual leader: «Can I hug you?». Il Nobel Peace Prize invites the child onto the stage, saying, “Here first,” and points to his cheek, which the child kisses. And he continues: «Then I think here too», and indicates his lips. The Dalai Lama then brings the child’s chin towards him and kisses him on the lips. Laughter and applause are heard in the video. The two touch each other with their heads, before the Dalai Lama sticks out his tongue and says: «And suck my tongue». When the two embrace, later in the video, the Dalai Lama tickles the child under the armpits. Excuses have not appeased the criticism that these images aroused.

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April 10, 2023 – Updated April 10, 2023, 1:11 pm

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