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out of 106 controls discovered 18 patients at risk for stroke

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out of 106 controls discovered 18 patients at risk for stroke

Among the 106 patients who underwent screening for stroke prevention, out of 18, risk factors were identified that would suggest further in-depth examinations. This is the result of the first of the three days of free checks organized by the Alice Ravenna Odv association in collaboration with the Health District of the Romagna Ausl and the Neurology operating unit.

The screenings continue and stop at the Case della Salute in Marina di Ravenna and Cervia, with two appointments scheduled for April 15 and 29, respectively. Patients will be able to carry out a free screening which consists of some clinical tests aimed at measuring the individual “risk” of stroke. The intervention, aimed at all adult citizens regardless of age, includes: a rapid test for measuring blood sugar and cholesterol; the measurement of blood pressure and the detection of any cardiac arrhythmias; finally the medical evaluation, if the tests carried out reveal a high risk for cerebrovascular disease, possibly suggesting further diagnostic investigations. The results of the investigations with the risk assessment will be delivered to the interested parties. To participate it is necessary to book on 3311304368, from Monday to Friday from 15 to 18.

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The first appointment was held in March at the Casa della Salute in San Pietro in Vincoli, involving 106 people. In 10% of these, blood pressure was found to be higher than normal; equally with regard to cholesterol, 5% of users have high blood sugar. Finally, for the 18 people who were found to have relevant risk factors, the neurologists present recommended the execution of a carotid Doppler ultrasound.

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According to Dr. Pietro Querzani, director of the Ravenna Neurology unit, “these results demonstrate the importance of primary prevention, i.e. those interventions that we can implement before a critical event occurs: glycemia, cholesterol, blood pressure control and, in cases more complex also the execution of diagnostic tests aimed at preventing cerebrovascular diseases”.

On April 15th the new appointment with prevention will be in Marina di Ravenna at the Casa della Comunità (former health house) Piazza Marinai d’Italia n. 18, from 9.30 to 12.30. The last one, on 29 April in Cervia at the Casa della Salute “San Giorgio” via Ospedale 17. It is also possible to support the fight against stroke in the Ravenna area and the activities of the association, including free screenings , choosing to allocate the 5 x 1000 to ALICe Ravenna ODV (CF 92065250398)”.

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