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who is the former chancellor, father of Marta

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who is the former chancellor, father of Marta

At the hospital St. Raphael Of Milano, dove Silvio Berlusconi And hospitalized from Wednesday April 5, it also arrived Horace fascinates, father of Marta. The Knight’s partner goes every day to visit the leader of Forza Italia, in the department of intensive therapy. That’s who his dad is, the former chancellor that Berlusconi knows very well.

Who is Orazio Fascina

Orazio Fascina is the father of Marta Fascina, the former employee of the press office of the Milan, from where she began the climb that led her to the Chamber of Deputies, elected with Forza Italia.

The mother, from whom Orazio Fascina divorced, is Angela Della Morte, retired teacher.

Marta Fascina together with Silvio Berlusconi

The father, on the other hand, has formed a deep friendship with the former premier, to such an extent that the leader of Forza Italia, according to ‘Il Corriere della Sera’, would even call him ‘Pope’.

A consolidated relationship, even if – again according to the Milanese newspaper – there would be no certainty that Orazio Fascina participated, in March 2022, in the symbolic wedding at Villa Gernetto between his daughter and the Cavaliere.

What work does Orazio Fascina do

Orazio Fascina has been retired since 2019, after having worked for many years as a clerk at the Court of Salerno.

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In Campania there had returned some after moving to Melito Porto Salvo, in the province of Reggio Calabria, where his daughter Marta was born.

In Calabria, in fact, there were already other relatives: Orazio Fascina, together with his brother, had started ainsurance agency, which has quickly become one of the most active in the Reggio area. It is still run by the grandchildren today.


Then the call from the Court of Salerno and the return to Campania, contextually the divorce from the wife.

Marta Fascina then lived with her mother in Portici, graduating from the classical high school.

Although they no longer lived together, the relationship between the father and daughter remained solid, as well as the one with Claudio, Martha’s brother.

photo source: Twitter / ANSA

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