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Where is the tomb of Jesus?

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Where is the tomb of Jesus?

The biblical story tells that after the death of Jesus Christ in the crucifixion his body was taken to an improvised tomb. This place would become over the years one of the most important pilgrimage centers of the Christian faith.

In the tomb of Jesus is the Calvary and sepulcher where he was placed after the crucifixion and where he rose on the third day.

Where is the tomb of Jesus?

Over the years this place would become an important pilgrimage center and for this an imposing basilica was built that is visited by thousands of people every year.

Known as the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, the place is located on the mound where tradition says that Christ was crucified in Jerusalem.

The Holy Sepulcher has two structures, the smallest of which is located inside and preserves the exact place where Jesus was placed after his death.

The facade of the tomb of Jesus is adorned with stonework and many candles of the orthodox variant of Christianity

For several decades the tomb of Christ has been protected and guarded by various Christian communities such as the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church or the Apostolic Church of Armenia.

The first stage of the Church of the Resurrection was ordered to be built by the Emperor Constantine.

The Stone of Anointing

According to Christian tradition, the body of Christ was placed on the Stone of Anointing to be prepared for burial.

Dozens of Catholics and Christians bow to the stone where the body of Jesus is supposed to have been. This is a very important point of the visit to the Holy Sepulchre.

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What is inside the tomb of Jesus?

The place is empty, there was nothing but a slab in the center.

In fact, it was in 2016 when scientists lifted that slab to investigate in detail what was inside and found the stone from the tomb of Jesus Christ.

Is it the real tomb of Jesus Christ?

There is controversy about whether the Holy Sepulcher is really the exact location where the tomb of Jesus is located.

And it is that, say some experts, the Holy Sepulcher is within the walls of the old city of Jerusalem and it would be impossible in the first century to bury someone outside the local royalty.

In fact, in 1883 a British colonel named Charles Gordon, claimed to have discovered the true location of Jesus’ tomb north of the Damascus Gate.

Another of the locations where the tomb of Jesus is said to be is close to Golgotha, a series of caves where some experts say the real tomb is because it fits the description in the Bible.

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