Home » An 11-year-old boy was arrested for killing a girl in Germany | Info

An 11-year-old boy was arrested for killing a girl in Germany | Info

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An 11-year-old boy was arrested for killing a girl in Germany |  Info

The girl Lena (11) was raped and killed, and her peer was arrested for this crime.

Source: Profimedia

The girl Lena (11) was raped and killed on March 25 in the German town of Wunsiedel. Her body was found in a public garage, 500 meters from the house where she lived. A boy (11) was arrested for this crime.

The police intensively searched for the killer since March 27, and the case was solved on Tuesday, April 11. On the day of the murder, Lena and her friend went to the cinema, but stopped in the park to feed the ducks. The little girl suddenly disappeared. Her body was soon found. Lena was lying in a pool of blood and was half naked.

As it turns out, the boy, who is suspected of her murder, lived in the Center for the Protection of Children and Youth of St. Joseph in Vunsiedel, as well as his brothers and sisters. The boy turned himself in after the victim was found, writes German Bild. “He felt extremely bad. He barely reacted“, said a person familiar with the events in the Catholic home for children and youth.

When the DNA traces found on Lena’s body were compared with the boy’s saliva sample, there was a match. After the DNA match, the boy was “preventively” placed in a secure facility. The boy, who is currently suspected of having committed a crime, does not face criminal consequences because he cannot be held criminally responsible due to his age.

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Its protection is currently the top priority“, Bild was told.


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