Home » Doctor’s fee Corona vaccination / Elsner: Agreements on corona vaccinations in more and more federal states – now come to a conclusion quickly with the remaining associations of statutory health insurance physicians

Doctor’s fee Corona vaccination / Elsner: Agreements on corona vaccinations in more and more federal states – now come to a conclusion quickly with the remaining associations of statutory health insurance physicians

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Doctor’s fee Corona vaccination / Elsner: Agreements on corona vaccinations in more and more federal states – now come to a conclusion quickly with the remaining associations of statutory health insurance physicians

Berlin – In Bavaria, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia and in the Westphalia-Lippe region, those insured with the substitute health insurance companies and other statutory health insurance companies can easily be vaccinated against Corona by presenting their electronic health card. This is the result of the negotiations between the health insurance representatives and the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV). Negotiations with the remaining eleven CT regions are ongoing. “We are assuming that deals will be concluded quickly here as well. As a substitute health insurance fund, we began negotiations at the beginning of the year in order to achieve a smooth transition in the interests of the insured, explains Ulrike Elsner, Chair of the Board of the Verband derersatzkassen e. V. (vdek). “Unfortunately, the talks were very difficult because the doctors asked for fees that were far higher than those for other vaccinations. We call on the remaining associations of statutory health insurance physicians to quickly conclude the negotiations with us in order to make vaccination possible for all insured persons in an unbureaucratic manner. Since the remuneration that has now been agreed also takes into account the additional costs that currently arise with the corona vaccination compared to other vaccinations, nothing should stand in the way of an agreement.”

A new regulation of the remuneration for corona vaccinations was necessary because the vaccination ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Health expired on April 8th, 2023. As long as no agreement has been made, the insured will first receive an invoice from their doctor’s office and can submit this to their health insurance company for reimbursement. “This bureaucratic procedure should be overcome as quickly as possible,” says Elsner.

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Current photos of the vdek CEOs for reporting can be found here in our picture archive.

The Association of Substitute Funds e. V. (vdek) represents the interests and service provider of all six health insurance companies, which together insure more than 28 million people in Germany:

– Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), Twitter: @TK_Press

– BARMER, Twitter: @BARMER_Presse

– DAK Health, Twitter: @DAKHealth

– KKH Commercial Health Insurance, Twitter: @KKH_Politik

– hkk – Handelskrankenkasse, Twitter: @hkk_Presse

– HEK – Hanseatische Krankenkasse, Twitter: @HEKonline

The Association of Substitute Funds e. V. (vdek) was founded in Eisenach on May 20, 1912 under the name “Association of registered commercial relief funds (substitute funds)”. Until 2009, the association operated under the name “Association of Employee Health Insurance Funds e. V.” (VdAK).

More than 290 employees work at the vdek headquarters in Berlin. In the individual federal states, 15 state representations with a total of around 380 and more than 30 employees in the care bases ensure the regional presence of the substitute health insurance funds.

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