Home » State investee appointments: from Cingolani (Leonardo) to Cattaneo, who are the managers chosen by Giorgia Meloni

State investee appointments: from Cingolani (Leonardo) to Cattaneo, who are the managers chosen by Giorgia Meloni

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State investee appointments: from Cingolani (Leonardo) to Cattaneo, who are the managers chosen by Giorgia Meloni
The Mef filed the list of the board of directors of Enel, Eni, Leonardo and Poste

The agreement has been found. It took one more day, but the match was delicate. The confrontation between Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani had gone on until late at night on Tuesday 11 April, but the agreement only arrived today (Wednesday 12 April). The list for nominations in the largest state subsidiaries is complete. Claudio Descalzi remains at ENI and Matteo Del Fante at the top of Poste. The new CEO of Enel, on the other hand, is Flavio Cattaneo, in recent days Stefano Donnarumma, former CEO of Terna, was given pole position for this box. The former minister Roberto Cingolani at the helm of Leonardo. Confirmation of a woman at the head of a large public company should also arrive in the next few days: Giuseppina Di Foggia at the top of Terna (but for now the appointments of this investee have been postponed).

Read also:
Appointments, Meloni’s choices for Eni, Enel, Poste, Leonardo and Terna (which also displease his ministers)

Eni: confirmation of Descalzi CEO, Zafarana president

At the top of Eni is confirmed Claudio Descalzi, CEO of the company since 2014, when he was appointed by the Renzi government. His is the fourth term. Descalzi began his career at Eni in 1981 as a reservoir engineer. Subsequently he became Project Manager for the development of activities in the North Sea, Libya, Nigeria and Congo. In 1990 he was appointed head of reservoir and operational activities in Italy. From 2000 to 2001 he held the position of director of the geographical area Africa, Middle East and China. From 2002 to 2005 he was director of the Italy, Africa and Middle East geographical area, also holding the role of director of various Eni subsidiaries in the area. The most difficult test fell on him after the collapse of gas imports from Russia, when the need to differentiate Italian supplies became intertwined with the issue of ecological transition, which was already forcing companies like Eni to change pace. On this Descalzi has repeatedly reiterated that “we need a green transition open to all technologies”. General Giuseppe Zafarana takes over the presidency of ENI, leaving the command of the Guardia di Finanza. As for the directors, the names that will be presented at Eni’s shareholders’ meeting called for May 10 are: Cristina Sgubin, Elisa Baroncini, Federica Seganti and Roberto Ciciani. Eni’s new board of statutory auditors will be made up of the following names: Giulio Palazzo (acting), Andrea Parolini (acting), Marcella Caradonna (acting), Giulia de Martino (alternate) and Riccardo Bonuccelli (alternate).

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Enel Cattaneo arrives as CEO, Scaroni as president

The new CEO of Enel is Flavio Cattaneo, vice president of Italo. His appointment was strongly supported by the League. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had initially focused on Stefano Donnarumma, former CEO of Terna. But, as told by Monica Guerzoni on Corriere della Sera, Salvini and Giorgetti preferred a more experienced personality. The agreement was found on Cattaneo, a graduate in Architecture from the Milan Polytechnic and from 2003 to 2005 director general of Rai. From 2005 to 2014 he was CEO of Terna and from 2016 to 2017 of Telecom Italia. In the past he has held various positions in various boards of directors including: Generali Assicurazioni, Domus Italia Cementir Holding SpA The role of president of Enel, as anticipated, went to Paolo Scaroni. As for the directors, the names that will be presented at the Enel shareholders’ meeting called for May 10 are Alessandro Zehenter, Johanna Arbib Perugia, Fiammetta Salmoni and Olga Cuccurullo.

Leonardo: Meloni wanted Cingolani ad. President Pontecorvo

As CEO of Leonardo, the defense and aerospace giant, Giorgia Meloni wanted Roberto Cingolani, former minister of ecological transition in the Draghi government. The new president, on the other hand, is Stefano Pontecorvo, former ambassador to Pakistan and senior civilian representative of NATO in Afghanistan. He was the first Innovation and technology officer of the Cingolani aerospace company. Graduated in Physics in 1985, Cingolani specialized at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. In 2005 he was appointed scientific director of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa, where he launched the interdisciplinary Humanoid Technologies program, based on the idea that the technological imitation of nature and its dynamics can provide solutions to improve our life. The former minister is already an “energy advisor” to the Meloni government. The role was “agreed with Draghi and Meloni – Cingolani underlined after his appointment – We need to finish the work on the price cap and on the regasification terminal. We have to finish all the work on the roof at the price of gas, which has indeed been approved, but now we need to work on terms and conditions. I will now work with my successor.” Stefano Pontecorvo will be the president of Leonardo while at the shareholders’ meeting of Leonardo convened for May 9, Elena Vasco, Enrica Giorgetti, Francesco Macrì, Trifone Altieri, Cristina Manara and Marcello Sala will be indicated as directors.

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Poste: the confirmation of Del Fante, president of Rovere

For Poste, as for Eni, the choice is in the name of continuity, with the confirmation of Matteo Del Fante as managing director. Del Fante has led the company since 2017. In the summer of 1991, a few months before graduating in Economics from Bocconi, Del Fante began working for JP Morgan. «I was 24 and eight years later, in 1999, I was appointed managing director in London. In the meantime, I had also started working on the dossiers that the Italian government, through the Treasury, submitted to JP Morgan », he said. In 2004 he joined Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, shortly after privatisation, as Head of Finance and M&A. In 2009 he became CEO of CDP. From June 2010 to May 2014 he was general manager of CDP. In 2014 the Renzi government appointed him to lead Terna and in 2017 the Gentiloni government chose him as the new CEO of Poste Italiane. Silvia Rovere has been designated President of the Post Office. At the Poste Italiane shareholders’ meeting called for 8 May, the list of directors will indicate the following names: Wanda Ternau, Matteo Petrella, Paolo Marchioni and Valentina Gemignani.

Terna, appointments postponed: Di Foggia in pole position

The new CEO of Terna, who takes over from Donnarumma, should be Giuseppina Di Foggia, who has been the CEO and vice president of Nokia Italia since 2020. The conditional relates to the circumstance that Terna’s appointments, compared to the other investees, have been postponed. Di Foggia, however, would be the name indicated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Graduated in Electronic Engineering, Di Foggia joined Lucent Technologies in 1998 as technical director, a company that became Alcatel-Lucent in 2006. In 2016 you joined Nokia where you worked in the technical area and then assumed roles of responsibility in marketing and sales. With this appointment, Meloni keeps the promise of a woman at the top of a large public company. According to press rumors, Di Foggia is said to be on good terms with Anna Meloni, sister of the Prime Minister. The presidency of Terna instead would go to Igor De Biase.

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Giuseppe De Mita at the helm of «Sport and Health»

Among the leaders being discussed in these hours there is also that of Sport and health, the “safe” of Italian sport. The Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi, would like to change the governance of the company, appointing a new CEO. The name in circulation is that of Giuseppe De Mita, son of Ciriaco. De Mita was Lazio’s press officer and then general manager of the club. He founded the communication and event organization company Acme and sits on the board of directors of Cinecittà spa.

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