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“Latin America can be a prosperous and flourishing region”

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“Latin America can be a prosperous and flourishing region”
Sao Paulo city

The iAmerican intellectual and philosopher Noam Chomsky, one of the greatest references of progressivism worldwide, said this miWednesday that Latin America can become a “prosperous” region and with a relevant role on a global scale if it promotes collaboration between the countries of the region.

“Within Latin America, recent events once again offer some hope of dealing with the ills that have poisoned what should be prosperous and flourishing societies,” Chomsky said at a conference in the Chilean capital to which he was connected electronically from the US. .UU., where you live.

The philosopher cited organizations such as the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), which Argentina and Brazil seek to relaunch, or the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) as examples of regional cooperation.

The Latin American economy has traditionally been “highly exposed to the extraction of resources by foreign capital,” especially from the West, without this having had an impact on the internal economic development of the countries of the region, according to the intellectual.

For Chomsky, a “successful” model of planned development open to foreign capital has been the East Asian economies.

“Foreign investment in East Asian countries is directed at national planning, at specific development goals. In the case of Latin America, imports are mostly luxury goods for the rich, and foreign investment goes into resource extraction,” he detailed.

«The rich in Latin America freely export the capital of the countries. In East Asia that is prohibited, and the capital goes to economic development”, he added.

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Chomsky remarked that the international order is changing from a model with a preponderance of the US to a “more diverse multipolar” system, where there will no longer be a single country that dominates the functioning of some spheres throughout the planet.

“In the emerging world system, Latin America has the opportunity to free itself from being too close to the United States, as has historically happened,” Chomsky said, appealing to “political and economic interference” that the North American country has had in the region, as in the military coup of 1973 against the government of the socialist Salvador Allende, in Chile.

In 2022, Chomsky was one of the signatories of an international letter in favor of the first proposal for a new Constitution in Chile, with markedly progressive ideas, which sought to replace the current Magna Carta, drafted during the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990). , and that the Chileans finally rejected in September.

Noam Chomsky: “Latin America can be a prosperous and flourishing region” and that they were the trigger for the start of the constituent process in which it is still immersed. EFE




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