Home » After being murdered, a man was thrown into the waters of the Arauca river

After being murdered, a man was thrown into the waters of the Arauca river

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After being murdered, a man was thrown into the waters of the Arauca river

Canoeists who were navigating the Arauca River alerted the authorities to the presence of a body that was going down the waters of this water tributary between the capital Arauca and the neighboring Venezuelan town of El Amparo, at the height of the Malecón CAI.

Judicial personnel carried out the technical inspection and removed the body of a man from the waters, with several stab wounds to the face and chest.

It was unofficially known that the victim of this homicide presumably has a criminal record and would be recognized by the inhabitants of Los Güires as a recidivist criminal actor known as alias “Coco”. This information will have to be confirmed by the authorities after the identity check.

Source: news – HOLA Casanare

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