Home » Permanent DiGA listing for Kranus Edera – more than 33 million men in Germany are now permanently insured via the digital health app Kranus Edera!

Permanent DiGA listing for Kranus Edera – more than 33 million men in Germany are now permanently insured via the digital health app Kranus Edera!

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Permanent DiGA listing for Kranus Edera – more than 33 million men in Germany are now permanently insured via the digital health app Kranus Edera!

Munich – The next big milestone for Kranus Health: As one of only 10 companies with a permanent listing, Kranus Edera is not only the first digital health app (DiGA) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, but will also be permanently available for those with statutory health insurance in Germany reimbursed by all health insurance companies if prescribed by doctors or psychotherapists. In addition, Kranus Edera is the first DiGA ever to be able to demonstrate a positive supply effect in three areas:

  • improvement of health status
  • Improving the quality of life
  • patient sovereignty

Kranus Edera can help to improve virility sustainably and in the long term. The success of the study is now underlined by the permanent inclusion in the DiGA list of the BfArM. The permanent listing brings Kranus Health closer to solving men’s problems that nobody talks about and offering patients a proven, effective way to permanently improve the causes of erectile problems.

Via the Kranus Edera app:

With Kranus Edera, the company Kranus Health has developed the first digital health application for the cause-oriented treatment of men with erectile dysfunction. The therapy conforms to the guidelines, is fully reimbursable and closes a supply gap in the area of ​​erection problems. Users of the app complete a 12-week program consisting of pelvic floor training, physiotherapy exercises, cardiovascular endurance training and exercises for mindfulness and body awareness as well as sex therapy exercises. Patients receive new exercises every day, the intensity and complexity of which are personalized based on patient feedback. In addition, patients receive daily educational content to increase their understanding of the underlying principles of erectile function and the influence of lifestyle factors such as: B. to improve nutrition or stress.

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