Home » What is inherited is not stolen! Son of Diomedes Díaz came out to the ring

What is inherited is not stolen! Son of Diomedes Díaz came out to the ring

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What is inherited is not stolen!  Son of Diomedes Díaz came out to the ring


With the double responsibility of defending the legacy left by his father Diomedes Díaz, from whom he also inherited his first and last name, Diomedes de Jesus Diaz Acosta reappeared this Thursday on the music scene, hand in hand with the experience of Franco Arguellesto release his most recent album ‘A song for you’.

The second of the children of the union between The Chief of the Board and Patricia Acostahe chose the sixth anniversary of his brother’s death Martin Elias to publicize his record work, as a tribute to those who supported him and always wanted to see him sing.

The 38-year-old singer recalled, in dialogue with EL PILÓNthe last time he spoke to his brother, just four days before the fatal accident.

Diomedes de Jesús, heir to the Cacique of the Junta Diomedes Díaz./ PHOTO: FABIÁN PINILLOS.

“It was very nice because we accidentally said goodbye, it was a Holy Monday, he had given me a gift to do 3 songs with Giovani Caraballo and I wanted to show him there on the farm, like never before, I had a few drinks with him, we hugged, we cried, and he told me: ‘me with that name maybe wherever I was’… that was the last time I saw him”Diomedes recalled Jesus.

‘A song for you’ contains 13 songs by well-known composers such as Diomedes Díaz, Aurelio ‘Yeyo’ Núñez, Carlos Amarís, Rolando Ochoa, Yin López, Franco Argüelles, Juan Fabio Lagos, Daniel Calderón, Wilfran Castillo among others. In addition, it includes a collaboration with Daniel Calderón from Los Gigantes del Vallenato, the work of Juan Fabio Lagos.

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The musical production was in charge of Franco Argüelles and Álvaro Araújo in the Valbuena Music studios.

“We made a demo different from how the ‘commercial’ accordion is sounding (although vallenato since before Francisco El Hombre has always been commercial), we took into account those happy songs, partying, to conquer friends again with a song, to women through a verse of love, we have taken into account those composers who can still be rescued and who make a huge difference, it is a vallenato that can be danced as they danced in the booths of before ”, explained ‘Colonel’ Argüelles.

Franco Argüelles./ PHOTO: FABIÁN PINILLOS.


Diomedes de Jesús does not evade the responsibility of carrying the last name Díaz. “It is something that fills me with a lot of pride and a lot of responsibility at the same time, because it was more than 35 years that dad lasted fighting, sweat after sweat, effort and effort, to always have first place in all seasons, and now that his sons are representing him here, with all the effort, so that the name of Diomedes Díaz always remains great. And that’s what his children are for, to do that…”, said Díaz Acosta in dialogue with EL PILÓN.

Argüelles already had the opportunity to play alongside three other sons of Diomedes: Rafael Santos, Diomedes Díaz and Elder Dayán. Now, he begins a new path alongside Diomedes de Jesús, whom he defines as ‘the new diaphragm’ of the dynasty.

“If the public is happy with you, that heart needs fidelity, they are the ones who make the idol, when we manage to conquer the public’s heart, with that they overcome their sadness; an album that brings representation, representing Martín or Diomedes, people will identify it as a direct consolation ”, Arguelles explained.

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Diomedes de Jesús and Franco Argüelles will present in society ‘A song for you‘ next April 27 at the Parque de la Leyenda Vallenata.

“Thank God for allowing us the first child together, things were done with much sacrifice and love, for all those followers of dad and Martín, we chose the composers we had to choose”pointed out the son of Diomedes and Patricia Acosta who was born in 1985 in Valledupar.


1. Not with me (Diego Daza)

2. A drink for both of us (Franco Argüelles)

3. The King (Diomedes Diaz)

4. Loose and single (Alberto Kammerer)

5. Exclusive (Wilfran Castillo)

6. The tattoo (Franco Argüelles)

7. Toast (Yin Lopez)

8. My little heart beats (Rolando Ochoa)

9. Lord road (Aurelio Núñez)

10. Reconciliation (Carlos Amaris)

11. Patatin patatán (Cabe Solano)

12. Carnival mosaic -Don’t kill me, La tomb cot, Leave me

quiet, Congo´E (Pedro Pablo Peña, Pedro Beltrán, Indalecio Rangel, DRA

13. Drunk Swallows – A duet with Daniel Calderón (Juan Fabio Lagos)

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