Home » Government ignores the reality of life of caregivers / Federal association we care …

Government ignores the reality of life of caregivers / Federal association we care …

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Government ignores the reality of life of caregivers / Federal association we care …

we maintain e. V

Berlin (ots)

The federal association of caring relatives, wir Pflege eV, expresses its disappointment with the cabinet decision of the federal government on the care support and relief law.

“For caring relatives, the care reform planned by the cabinet is a disaster. In the 2021 coalition agreement”More Progress Car” The SPD, Greens and FDP agreed on concrete measures to improve home care. But after two long years of delaying, there can no longer be any talk of progress in view of the nursing shortage,” regrets Edeltraut Hütte-Schmitz, member of the national board of Wir Pflege eV

“The increase in care allowance by five percent is a slap in the face for those in need of care and their relatives. Five percent is by far not enough to even come close to compensating for the inflation rate of 16 percent since the last increase in 2017. That completely ignores the reality of life for caregiving relatives and drives them further into the poverty trap.”

“It seems as if the government simply wants to sit out the acute shortage of nursing care,” says Prof. Dr. Notburga Ott, board member we care for NRW eV “We have presented politicians with concrete recommendations for action on behalf of caring relatives. They were obviously ignored, because all measures of the coalition agreement that could have led to timely improvements in the home care situation were deleted. Like this, for example extended relief budget.”

A relief budget would combine individual services more flexibly. This would significantly reduce the bureaucratic effort for relatives and bring noticeable relief to all those affected, especially parents who care for children with disabilities.

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In order to ensure the care of people in need of care in the future, the federal government must invest in home care NOW. The Federal Association of Nursing Relatives demands:

  • an independent, comprehensive and approaching care advice
  • the regular dynamisation of the care allowance
  • a comprehensive, flexible, transparent care budget
  • the tax-financed extension of family care time and family care allowance as a wage replacement benefit
  • the needs-based expansion of day and night care as well as short-term care

care by relatives

The first country evaluations of the 2021 care statistics show that caregiving relatives are fully or partially involved in over 80 percent of all care services. With over 7.2 billion hours of care and nursing in 2019 and an added value of more than 90 billion euros annually[1] caring relatives relieve the health system and compensate for the lack of care.

[1] Calculation based on the AOK Care Report 2020

Press contact:

we maintain eV
Lisa Thelen, Communications and Public Relations Officer
Phone: 030 4597 5750
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: we maintain e. V., transmitted by news aktuell

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