Home » A woman died after falling from the 12th floor of a hotel

A woman died after falling from the 12th floor of a hotel

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A woman died after falling from the 12th floor of a hotel

A 48-year-old woman fell from the 12th floor of the Conte hotel at 100 Carlos Pellegrini street. This person hit the terrace of an adjoining restaurant and lost his life.

The cause of the fall remains to be established. According to police sources, the victim was identified as María Alejandra Vázquez, a native of San Miguel de Tucumán.

The woman had stayed the day before in a room on the 12th floor of the hotel. After her fall, SAME arrived at the scene and confirmed her death.

Police sources informed telam that personnel from the Central Avenues Division of the City Police were alerted by the presence of a body on the roof of a lung of a restaurant.


Personnel from the City Fire Brigade, the Federal Special Rescue Brigade and the 1D Neighborhood Police Station of the City Police also went to the scene.

“We arrived due to the fall of a 48-year-old patient from a 12th floor. We couldn’t tell if it was a suicide. It just happened, we arrived at 7 o’clock and she was dead. The police will surely inspect the apartment,” a SAME doctor told LN+.


The hotel manager informed the troops that the woman entered alone on Thursday and had to leave on Friday. Also, he claimed that she was undergoing medical treatment. At the moment the Justice initiated a file for the investigation of doubtful causes of death.


The National Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor’s Office No. 48 is involved in the case, in charge of Eduardo Rosende, who ordered the action of the Mobile Criminal Unit. The woman’s body was removed at 10:45 AM.

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