Home » Report: Russian agents on duty at Tinder

Report: Russian agents on duty at Tinder

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Report: Russian agents on duty at Tinder
Berlin (German news agency) – Russian spies are said to be on the Tinder dating platform. As the “Welt am Sonntag” will write, citing “security circles”, the agents there are specifically on the lookout for profiles of Bundeswehr soldiers and politicians in order to win them over as sources of information.

This modus operandi was recently warned of at a conference in southern Germany attended by military personnel from several NATO countries. When asked, the Military Shielding Service (MAD) confirmed “that members of other intelligence services (e.g. Russia) use social media to establish targeted contacts with members of the Bundeswehr and to try to skim them off or, if necessary, initiate them”. Tinder is also a relevant platform.

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