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“Offensive and unfounded allegations about Wojtyla”

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“Offensive and unfounded allegations about Wojtyla”

«Certain of interpreting the sentiments of the faithful from all over the world, I address a thought grateful to the memory of Saint John Paul IIthese days the subject of offensive and unfounded allegations». She said it Pope francesco during the Regina Coeli, with the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, referring to the controversies of recent days on the case of Emanuela Orlandi, the young resident of Vatican City who disappeared on June 22, 1983 on her way home after a music lesson. As reported by Vatican News, after the recitation of the Regina Coeli «Pope Francis defended his predecessor Saint John Paul II, whose figure in recent days has been at the center of infamous accusations linked to the Orlandi case, made on the basis of anonymous “it is said” , without witnesses or clues». He made accusations that the Pontiff defined as “offensive and unfounded allegations” ».

The meeting in the Vatican with the promoter

The case was opened after the meeting, on Tuesday 11 April, between Pietro Orlandi and the promoter of justice Alessandro Diddi. An opportunity requested several times by the family, who thus had the opportunity to deposit a large memory – 13 pages and a list of 29 witnesses – useful for the investigation. On that occasion, the lawyer Laura Sgrò, who defends Orlandi, chose to oppose professional secrecy. This was reported by Vatican News, through a statement by the director of the Holy See Press Office Matteo Bruni: «The Promoter of Justice Diddi, together with Professor Gianluca Perone, Applied Promoter, received the lawyer Laura Sgrò, as she repeatedly and publicly requested, also to provide those elements, relating to the origin of some information in his possession, expected after the declarations provided by Pietro Orlandi. Attorney Sgro made use of professional secrecy».

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Orlandi’s defense

Lawyer Laura Sgro rejects this reconstruction, and insists on the fact that she has never mentioned Pope John Paul II: «I was attacked as if I had hidden things about John Paul II, but I was called out to Emanuela Orlandi, no reticence, never publicly or otherwise seat I spoke about John Paul II, no one ever asked me about him». «Pietro and I ended up in the dock – continues the lawyer – who made available everything we knew, Pietro did it who presented a 13-page memorandum with a list of 29 witnesses with respect to Emanuela. With respect to Pope Peter, he has an audio that he left in full to the promoters who listened to him, there he made references by quoting the names of his sources, who hasn’t cited the sources? ». «I don’t know, if in a 8 hour interrogationPietro had some uncertainty in his memory but it would have been right, in case, consult with me, if they wanted to clarify they would have had the right – in respect of my role which is one of collaboration – and perhaps we would have reconstructed the historical moment. There is no obligation, but they could have made me assist, instead they already wanted to question me from before, they told me before, I remain available for a meeting with the Promoter of Justice».

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