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“That’s where they were going”

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“That’s where they were going”

The time has come vaccines: now also Modern it says.
In a recent interview with The Guardian, the well-known US pharmaceutical company presented itself with a shocking promise: vaccines against tumors and cancer by 2030. In short, another expiry date set like a European Union.
And who knows if it will ever be respected, but above all who knows if it will work. All this obviously thanks to what?
As stated in the article, Covid would have been decisive for the acceleration of study times on the technique of mRNA vaccines. “All thanks to mRNA, already decisive against Covid” reports the news La Repubblica.
It is to be hoped for, but this obviously remains to be seen and confirmed with data, hoping that they will never be hidden so as to “not kill” the vaccine in question.

A news that worries a lot for what concern future healthcare approach” – comments Francesco Borgonova, deputy director of La Verità. An approach that according to Borgonovo represents “a very heavy change of mentality.
I always have this bad feeling that exploded during Covid, the question is: where is it going in the end? – given that in the end the adjustments to the health system are not made, a real review of spending and a reallocation of funds it shouldn’t be done properly, we are waiting for the Pnrr money which should bring who knows what manna from heaven.
It ends up in the fact that they tell you ‘we don’t have the money to treat you or to treat you well, so we pass the responsibility on you‘. That is, you have to undergo these preventive therapies in the hope of not getting sick?
No, because if you get sick, it’s your fault in one way or another. ‘Your fault that you went for an aperitif’: this is what they told you

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What will the future healthcare approach look like?

The journalist of “La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana” Andrea spoke live on ‘Punto & Accapo’ Zambranowho analyzes the situation thus: “We are going from a cure medicine to one preventive medicine.
The fact is that the idea that man should not get sick is a utopia. It almost seems that contemporary medicine should aim for an elixir of long-lasting youth. In reality, medicine is the art of healing, which means taking care of the human being.
Prevention belongs to other aspects which, however, we have seen with Covid to be purely utopian.

Even the very fact that they did the vaccination campaign in the absence of antibody checks, in the absence of overt diseases, leads us to think that this is the strategy. Another fact is that by now it has become an endemic situation that of general practitioners who no longer treat because they are overwhelmed by practices are overwhelmed by protocols. Those documents that if you don’t want to get vaccinated, I’ll find a way to force you.

It is no mystery that for ten years we have started the great season of vaccines through funding, from the WHO, from structures also linked for example to Bill Gates. This basically means that you are focusing on that, because first of all this is a big business“.

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