Home » US Senator Defends President Bukele Against Biden’s Criticism

US Senator Defends President Bukele Against Biden’s Criticism

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US Senator Defends President Bukele Against Biden’s Criticism

The Republican Senator for the State of florida, Marco Rubio, came out on Monday in defense of the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukelein the face of the “absurd” criticism of the Government of Joe Biden.

In the opinion of Rubiothe administration Biden lashes out Watch it for “returning Salvadorans to freedom” and therefore “this is not the time to push a partner like The Savior into the arms of our opponents for being too tough on crime”, especially when the American continent is “increasingly hostile” to EU

Rubiowho recently visited The Saviorasserted that “he would be the first to condemn any tyrannical movement of Watch it», but the Salvadoran president is «a democratically elected leader who has enacted reforms with the collaboration of legislators and the people who elected him».

In a statement that his office released to publicize an article published in the conservative digital media Compact, Rubio says that “for decades, the central american nation was little more than a playground for ruthless gangs…until the president Nayib Bukele took strong action.”

“In the words of the local media, the gangs now ‘do not exist’ (…) Children play on soccer fields where bullets used to ring. Families go out at night without fear of being killed and maimed. The companies sell their products and money is not required in exchange for protection, “says the Florida senator.

The left is allergic to the law

“In short, people are free and prosperous,” the statement underlines, but “all this has not impressed the administration of Biden».

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“The White House has sanctioned key members of his government (of Watch it) and activists Democratic Party (…) now they speak ill of The Savior as an emerging dictatorship and a bastion of ‘anti-liberalism’”, adds the text signed by Rubio.

In the article written for Compact, Rubio says that “the left is so allergic to law enforcement that it would rather see the Barrio 18 and the MS-13 (Salvadoran gangs) roaming the streets than locked up criminals,” he stressed.

Rubiowho was a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and has not yet revealed his cards for the 2024 nomination, says in the article that the left’s attitude towards Watch it explains that the border with Mexico be “open”.

It also indicates that, for this reason, cities of EU who “were once the pride and joy of this country,” among which he mentioned San Francisco, Chicago y NYhave become “drug-infested war zones.”

More tyranny under the Biden Government

Rubiowhich represents Florida in it Senate of EUdefines as “terrible” the foreign policy of the Biden Administration compared to the rest of the countries Americaan “increasingly hostile” hemisphere to USAas he regretted in the published text.

“Traditional adversaries like Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua they have become even more tyrannical under this administration. traditional allies like Colombiadissatisfied with American leadership, are opening doors to Moscow y beijing», he emphasizes.

The Republican senator clarifies that he does not intend to “convert Nayib Bukele become a celebrity or ignore the fragility of his nation’s democratic institutions” is, according to Rubio, “simply a call to inject some common sense into our treatment of friendly nations. President Biden You seem to think you can lecture and sanction whoever you want without detriment to our own national security. Couldn’t be further from the truth.”

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