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Complaints at election time

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Complaints at election time

These days, when the electoral debate begins to heat up, complaints about alleged acts of corruption involving pre-candidates for the positions that will be elected on October 29 are increasing.

One might inadvertently believe that the political season fuels the civil courage of some citizens, who dare to publicize possible illegal actions with the purpose of ridding cities and departments of people who are not suitable to occupy the positions to which they aspire.

However, this is a naive view of a practice that in many cases (not all) is part of strategies aimed at discrediting candidates and manipulating voters.

Before advancing on the subject, it is important to emphasize that the duty of every citizen who is aware of acts of corruption and other illegal actions is to file a complaint.

However, it generates too much suspicion that many of these complaints are made precisely during election season, especially when many of the events in question occurred several years ago.

Even more suspicious is that many of these electoral-time complaints are made by people with obvious political interests, such as members of other campaigns or even other candidates, and that instead of bringing them to the attention of the competent authorities, they do so through the media. communication and social networks.

All complaints that allow uncovering acts of corruption and purging politics are welcome, but citizens must be careful not to fall into Machiavellian games that only seek to discredit candidates and manipulate their intention to vote based on scandals that, after the elections, end in nothing.

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Whoever has complaints to make them, but in a timely manner. Hopefully this campaign that is beginning can concentrate on the proposals, since scandals only serve to create an atmosphere of confusion among voters.


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