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“Everyone is compact, against Benfica a great opportunity. We’re close to Lukaku. About Inzaghi…”

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“Everyone is compact, against Benfica a great opportunity. We’re close to Lukaku. About Inzaghi…”

It’s Javier Zanetti, vice president of Inter, the special guest of ‘Supertele’, a DAZN program hosted by Pierluigi Pardo. The chat held by Alessandro Alciato, on the sidelines of the ‘Manlio Selis’ youth tournament, starts from a particular question, the Argentine’s level of serenity: “I am always positive and confident, despite some difficulties we are having especially in the league – he assures Pupi – We’ll have a great opportunity on Wednesday”.

Why are there two Inters in terms of performance?

“It’s difficult to find an explanation, we too ask ourselves this question. The fundamental thing is to be all united in view of Wednesday’s great opportunity”.

A message to the fans.

“We thank them because they have always supported us, they have always been close to us, San Siro is always full and this must be underlined. On Wednesday we will all be together to try to reach this semi-final of the Champions League which we have been missing for a long time. We hope that the team can answer in the field”.

There has been a lot of talk about the post-Monza summit, what is the summary?

“Let’s say that we always talk, I especially like doing it with a clear head at the Pinetina the day after the match. Let’s try to understand the reasons for this trend in the league, let’s try to compact ourselves in moments of difficulty, all concentration must go to Wednesday” .

Lukaku seems to be going through a very difficult moment: do you have an explanation? Inzaghi is always under discussion, how does he keep calm?

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“As far as Romelu is concerned, I think this long injury weighed a lot: it’s difficult to recover well for a player of his characteristics. We have to stay close to him because he can be decisive, he must keep his head calm; I understand his momentum, but only he can give positive responses. As for the coach, I say that he has always shown great professionalism, beyond the fact that he too recognizes that the league performance is not enough when looking at the value of our team. Wednesday there is a great opportunity, then between the championship and the cup we try to change this trend which is not good”.


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