Home » McDonald’s announces improvements for Big Mac and Co

McDonald’s announces improvements for Big Mac and Co

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McDonald’s announces improvements for Big Mac and Co

Focus on the classics: McDonald’s announces improvements for Big Mac and Co

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McDonald’s has announced improvements to its classic burgers. Some details are to be changed for the Big Mac, Cheeseburger and Co.

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McDonald’s is increasing its focus on core offerings. As a result, a number of classics are now being improved, such as “CNNreported. It’s about the Big Mac, the McDouble, the Cheeseburger, Double Cheeseburger and Hamburger.

The changes to the products are relatively small. Overall, they should make a noticeable difference. Specifically, the cheese should melt even better and the buns should be a little softer. In addition, onions are to be placed on the patties on the grill and the grills are to be readjusted during frying.

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McDonald’s focuses on core offerings

The changes are now gradually being rolled out around the world. It is not yet known when they will come to Germany.

McDonald’s is currently focusing primarily on its classics rather than new products. The most important reason for this is probably the simpler business processes. The fast-food chain has been pursuing this strategy for some time. Among other things, a Happy Meal for adults with typical McDonald’s products was offered in the USA last October.


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