Home » PNRR, Scuola 4.0: Vademecum of the Ministry and support kit for schools with examples of deeds for the assignment of individual assignments

PNRR, Scuola 4.0: Vademecum of the Ministry and support kit for schools with examples of deeds for the assignment of individual assignments

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PNRR, Scuola 4.0: Vademecum of the Ministry and support kit for schools with examples of deeds for the assignment of individual assignments

In the area reserved for schools, in the “Communications” section, you can consult the School 4.0 support KIT – Format with examples for assigning tasks. This is a support for schools with the provision of examples of documents for the award of individual assignments for the implementation of PNRR projects, referred to in Mission 4 – Education and research – Component 1 – Enhancement of the offer of services of education: from nursery schools to universities – Investment 3.2 “School 4.0 – Innovative schools, cabling, new learning environments and laboratories”.

The formats available are:

1. Format of the Decree for the start of a selection procedure for the appointment;
2. Notice Format for selection;
3. Application Form;
4. Format of self-declaration of non-existence of causes of incompatibility/conflict of interest (by the person in charge of the procedure);
5. Format of self-declaration of non-existence of causes of incompatibility/conflict of interest (Commission members);
6. Format of Decree appointing the Evaluation Commission;
7. Selection report format;
8. Format of the Decree for the assignment of the individual assignment;
9. Engagement letter format;
10. Self-employment contract format;
11. Letter of appointment format for personnel already identified by resolution of the Academic Board;
12. Format of self-declaration of non-existence of causes of incompatibility/conflict of interest (persons in charge);
13. Timesheet format for internal staff;
14. Timesheet format for external personnel

The formats can be used, modified, integrated and adapted by the schools themselves, according to the individual needs of
context, also by virtue of the autonomy of each school.

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The handbook is divided into three sections:

Section 1: Activities subject to individual assignments. The Section describes the activities for which the assignment of individual assignments is envisaged and the spending limits.

Section 2: Procedure for the assignment of tasks: guide to the use of formats. The Section reports the specific procedures for identifying the persons in charge in compliance with the general principles of transparency, publicity, equal treatment, good performance and cost-effectiveness of the administrative action.

Section 3: Types of collaboration contracts. The Section illustrates the most common types of collaboration relationships through which it is possible to formalize the individual assignment.

I make a foray out of it

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