Home » Influencer rejected at the restaurant: “Here we don’t accept celiacs” – VIDEO

Influencer rejected at the restaurant: “Here we don’t accept celiacs” – VIDEO

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Influencer rejected at the restaurant: “Here we don’t accept celiacs” – VIDEO

Valentina Leporati, alias Valentina Gluten Free, claims she was refused by a restaurant because she is celiac

Valentina Leporatiinfluencer and food blogger known by the name of Valentina Gluten Free who raises users’ awareness on the subject of celiac disease, reported on Instagram that she had been rejected by a restaurateur in Tuscany during a business trip precisely because of her intolerance to gluten.

“Last week, for the first time in my life, I heard a sentence that literally left me speechless. – writes the influencer in the message accompanying his video complaint – I’m calling a restaurant in my area to book and when I point out that I am celiac, I am told: ‘here we do not accept celiacs’. I, who usually respond in kind and am a flood of words, remained silent. I felt discriminated against, excluded, different and wrong. I haven’t felt this feeling for a long time.”

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