Home » Muscle injuries at the time of sex, how to avoid them

Muscle injuries at the time of sex, how to avoid them

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Muscle injuries at the time of sex, how to avoid them

Sex is intense physical activity that involves various muscle groups, including the muscles of the abdomen, legs, and buttocks.

Even though that him sex It is a natural and healthy activity, it can also cause muscle injuries if it is not done properly.

How to avoid muscle injuries at the time of sex?

Muscle injuries are painful and can negatively affect a person’s sex life. The most common muscle injuries that can occur during sex and how to avoid them will be discussed below.

1. Muscular tension

Muscle strains are one of the most common injuries that can occur during sex.

These injuries occur when a muscle is overstretched, causing pain and inflammation. Muscle strains can occur anywhere in the body, but are most common in the leg and buttock muscles.

Muscle strains can occur during sex if sudden or excessively vigorous movements are made.

To avoid muscle strains, it’s important to warm up before sex, stretch your muscles before you start, and avoid sudden movements.

2. Back injuries

Back injuries are common during sex and can be very painful.

Back injuries can occur if you are in an awkward sexual position or if you hold one position for too long.

To avoid back injuries, it is important to choose comfortable sexual positions and change positions frequently.

3. Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are a common injury during sex. The muscle cramps They are painful and occur when a muscle contracts involuntarily.

They can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common in the leg and buttock muscles.

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To avoid muscle cramps, it’s important to stretch your muscles before sex and make sure you’re well hydrated.

4. Injuries to the genitals

Lesions on the genitals are not eventual but can occur during sex.

Injuries to the genitals can occur if an awkward sexual position is used or a sex toy is used incorrectly.

To avoid injury to the genitals, it is important to use sex toys safely and choose comfortable sexual positions.

5. Ligament injuries

Ligament injuries are not eventual, but can occur during sex. Ligament injuries can occur if you are in an awkward sexual position or if you make a sudden movement.

To avoid ligament injuries, it is important to choose comfortable sexual positions and avoid sudden movements.

Muscle injuries can occur during sex if it is not done properly.

To avoid muscle injuries during sex, it is important to warm up before sex, stretch the muscles before starting, choose comfortable sexual positions.


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