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Improvement Society and its contribution to the Fourth Level Hospital

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Improvement Society and its contribution to the Fourth Level Hospital

With the aim of continuing to endorse the support for the large commitments of territory and strategic projects of the region such as the Regional Hospital of IV Complexity Level, the Pereira ProRisaralda Improvement Society, is calling and facilitating technical meetings, in which different actors participate. involved in the project, which is consolidated as the most important in the Coffee Region in terms of health, for its contribution to improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the region, through access to health services.

The objective of these technical roundtables is to draw up a collaborative work path with commitments and punctual delivery times between the institutions, in order to advance in the dynamization and materialization of it, minimizing any risk in its execution.

According to Ana María Cuartas Saldarriaga, executive director of the SMP – ProRisaralda, this project, which will benefit the Eje Cafetero, Chocó and Norte del Valle Region, “will enhance the quality of life, social well-being, opportunity to access comprehensive health services and the formation of human capital. For this reason, we must seek that the project has the full support of the institutional framework, that we unite to form a team and carry out this great commitment in the region. The role and commitment of each institution is very important and as an entity we will always be guaranteeing the necessary efforts for an optimal, efficient and transparent execution”.

For its part, the technical team of the IV Level Regional Hospital project of the Risaralda Governorate, stated that the balance of the meeting led by the Pereira Improvement Society, in which actors from the Pereira Mayor’s Office, the Energy Company de Pereira and Aguas y Aguas de Pereira, is very positive, since they managed to agree on how to “advance and obtain the different availability of roads and public services that the project requires”, adding that “agreeing will allow us to have all the requirements completed and have the technical endorsement to advance in the construction of the second phase and request the resources of the second disbursement.”

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The Level IV Regional Hospital is financed with resources from the Nation and the department of Risaralda, on land provided by the municipality of Pereira. The SMP – ProRisaralda defends this bet for which it has contributed since 2014, with a team that dreamed of the project and that achieved the start of its materialization in 2020, which will become one of the most important in the region for the provision of health services to nearly 4 million inhabitants of the departments of Risaralda, Caldas, Quindío, Chocó and Norte del Valle.

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