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EU prepares to impose tough rules on artificial intelligence | MobIT

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EU prepares to impose tough rules on artificial intelligence |  MobIT

The European Union (EU) is working to introduce strict new rules on various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as the ChatGPT software, a kind of “chatbot”, which is designed on the basis of AI.

Source: Pexels

The EU does not yet have regulations on ChatGPT or similar AI systems, but two years ago the European Commission prepared the first legal proposal for the framework of new rules on AI and submitted it to the member states and the European Parliament.

This proposal would introduce some restrictions and rules of transparency in the use of artificial intelligence systems. If the proposal becomes law, AI systems like ChatGPT will also have to be used in accordance with these rules.

In the commission’s proposal, AI systems are classified into four main groups: unacceptable risk, high risk, limited risk and minimal risk.

Artificial intelligence systems that are considered to pose a clear threat to life safety, assets and people’s rights are in the group of unacceptable risk.

Also prohibited are AI systems or applications that oppose the free will of individuals, manipulate human behavior, or perform social scoring.

Next, the high-risk group includes areas such as critical infrastructure, education, surgery, resume evaluation for employment, credit rating, evidence, immigration, asylum and border management, travel document verification, biometric identification systems, and judicial and democratic processes.

These systems must be non-discriminatory, and the results must be visible and subject to adequate human supervision.

According to the rules, security forces will be able to use biometric identification systems in public areas in special cases such as terrorism and serious crimes. However, such use of AI systems will be limited and subject to the approval of judicial authorities.

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Systems in the limited risk group will also have to comply with certain transparency obligations.

In the proposal, chatbots are also in the limited risk group. The goal is to make users who talk to chatbots aware that they are interacting with a computer.

Applications such as video games that support artificial intelligence or spam filters are in the minimal risk group.

Meanwhile, work continues on the artificial intelligence law, which requires the approval of the EP and member states to enter into force.


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