Home » Orthosis Spinomed® from medi for the treatment of hunchback / “It gives me a daily …

Orthosis Spinomed® from medi for the treatment of hunchback / “It gives me a daily …

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Orthosis Spinomed® from medi for the treatment of hunchback / “It gives me a daily …

medi GmbH & Co. KG

Bayreuth (ots)

A hunchback is much more than a purely visual defect – it is one of the most common postural defects in the spine and can lead to severe back and neck pain. It mostly affects older people, whose spine curves too much between the neck and upper back at the level of the thoracic spine and causes discomfort. Causes can be osteoporosis, Bechterew’s disease (a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease) or muscular imbalance. A hunched back can severely affect the everyday life of those affected: due to the malposition, the body’s center of gravity shifts forward. The pathological kyphosis (the increased curvature of the thoracic spine backwards) changes the statics of the body and leads to an increased tendency to sway. This can result in a higher risk of falling. In an interview, Erich Fichtner talks about which medical aids help him to correct his posture and significantly improve his quality of life.

Dear Mr. Fichtner, you are 83 years old and look remarkably fit – are you very physically active?

“Aging is not necessarily the same as declining. Even after the age of 65, sport and exercise help to stay physically active. I do stretching exercises every day, go to the gym twice a week and try to move a lot in everyday life too. At the age of 83 I feel better and fitter now than I did when I was 47.”

How did that happen?

“Because of my job, I used to have to travel a lot and visit my business partners abroad – I had severe back pain for decades due to incorrect posture and little exercise.”

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You must have seen your doctor about this – what did he advise you to do?

“In the beginning, my doctor prescribed me painkillers, but of course that wasn’t a long-term solution. The back pain wouldn’t go away, which is why my doctor recommended that I train my muscles and join a gym. The trainer there taught me different exercises specifically for demonstrated the stabilization of the back – and the pain actually got less week by week.”

Haven’t they completely disappeared?

“No, unfortunately not. A few years ago, my wife noticed that I was walking more and more stooped. I then went to my family doctor, who diagnosed ’round back’ in 2017.”

What were the first treatment steps after your diagnosis?

“I ordered various posture belts online and tested them. They are supposed to support my back, improve my posture and immediately relieve back, neck and shoulder pain – but they didn’t help me. My family doctor then referred me to an orthopedist, who gave me a prescription for a medical back orthosis. The medical supply store recommended the Spinomed back orthosis from medi and fitted it individually.”

What was your first impression of the orthosis?

“I was a bit skeptical because I thought it was another back straightener that didn’t do much. But I was wrong! The back brace reminds me to stand up on my own through the resistance of the shoulder straps and back brace. This posture correction was initially a bit unfamiliar, but I quickly felt comfortable with it – and above all I noticed how much the orthosis helps me. My back pain has noticeably decreased.”

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What else do you appreciate about Spinomed?

“It gives me a safe feeling day after day and actively contributes to strengthening my core muscles and correcting my posture. This also reduces the risk of falling – a big problem in old age, which I unfortunately also see again and again in my circle of friends I can easily put the Spinomed on and take it off thanks to the arrangement of the straps and the gripping aids for closing. It is comfortable to wear, can hardly be seen under a jacket and has been thought out down to the smallest detail!”

Do you perceive the orthosis as a limitation in everyday life?

“No, absolutely not! On the contrary: In the beginning I wore them for 30 minutes a day and slowly increased the time – now I put them on every morning after getting up and wear them all day. I only take them off when I go to bed . I don’t feel properly dressed without Spinomed. It helps me to go through life safely and comfortably. As a result, I am more mobile and have a better quality of life.”

What do you recommend to other sufferers?

“Firstly, to look for a good doctor who takes the time to listen, and a medical supply store that offers expert advice and adjusts the orthosis individually. Secondly, to integrate a lot of exercise into everyday life and to do sports. And thirdly, to be grateful and satisfied to look positively into the future and to try out new things again and again – for example, I am currently learning to play the piano.”

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Dear Mr. Fichtner, thank you very much for the pleasant conversation and your personal experiences!

Information material is available from the medi consumer service, telephone 0921 912-750, e-mail [email protected].

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Intended use: Spinomed® is an orthosis for active relief and correction of the lumbar spine / thoracic spine in the sagittal plane.

Press contact:

medi GmbH & Co. KG
Medicusstraße 1
95448 Bayreuth

Janine Lenhart
PR Manager Medical
Phone: +49 921 912-2819
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: medi GmbH & Co. KG, transmitted by news aktuell

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