Home » Sudan without respite: assault on the French Embassy repelled, bombs on Khartoum. US forces moved to Djibouti

Sudan without respite: assault on the French Embassy repelled, bombs on Khartoum. US forces moved to Djibouti

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Sudan without respite: assault on the French Embassy repelled, bombs on Khartoum.  US forces moved to Djibouti

There is no respite in Sudanwhere explosions and gunfire were heard at Khartoum in the early hours of the first day of the anniversary of Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of Ramadan and for which the United Nations had hoped for a truce. The WHO spokeswoman reported that 413 people have died and 3,551 have been injured since the clashes began. Meanwhile, the residence in the capital by the French Ambassador it was “assaulted by a band of disbanded militiamen” who, however, were “rejected”. Also “one bomba – reported a qualified source – it fell a short distance from the French Embassy”.

Before dawn, like every morning since April 15, gunfire and airstrikes erupted, witnesses report. “In the night different neighborhoods of Khartoum they were bombed and are still being bombed and clashed between the army and (the paramilitaries) Rapid Support Forces (RSF),” the doctors union said this morning. Yesterday, diplomatic contacts had intensified: the general Abdel Fattah al-Burhanearmy chief and de facto head of Sudan since the 2021 putsch, announced he had been contacted by regional leaders of the region by the UN chief Anthony Guterres and the US Secretary of State Antony Blink. Everyone had called for an end to the fighting against the general’s FSR paramilitaries Mohamed Hamdane Dagaloits number two after the putsch, for theEid al-Fitrwhich marks the end of the fast of Ramadan. The same Fsr announced “their agreement for a truce of 72 ore” in a civil war that has already claimed more than 330 lives. But at the same time the general Burhane appeared on state television for the first time since the start of hostilities. He delivered an address to the nation on the occasion of theEid without ever mentioning any truce.

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The department of US defense in the meantime he started pre-positioning military in case emergency evacuation of diplomatic personnel and other Americans is necessary Sudan. Biden decided earlier in the week, after an American convoy a Khartoum has been targeted and two ceasefire attempts have failed, to move forces and equipment to a base “close” to Djibouti. “No decision has yet been made on the evacuation,” Kirby said, specifying that American officials in Sudan “are sheltering in their homes or workplaces even as the State Department is trying to gather personnel in a central location of Khartoum”.

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