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Delicious recipe for every occasion

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Delicious recipe for every occasion

Lasagna is the ultimate dish for everyday or special occasions when you want to celebrate with the people you care about. Preparing this Asparagus Lasagna with Ham isn’t a day-long affair—the dish can be prepared in no time. It is not necessary to cook the ragù for a long time or to prepare the béchamel sauce. It is enough to layer the components one by one.

Recipe for asparagus lasagne with ham

You can prepare fresh pasta for this dish if you have the time, but purchasing lasagna sheets, fresh or dried, is also a fantastic option. Depending on how much time you have, you can choose the leaves that you like best. Some don’t need to be pre-cooked, while others need to be cooked for a few minutes. Be careful not to overcook the pasta or it will become mushy and lose its flavor.


  • 680 g green asparagus
  • 5 fresh or dried lasagne sheets
  • 440 g mozzarella or burrata
  • 200 grams of cooked ham
  • 50g grated Parmesan, plus more for sprinkling
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper

Asparagus lasagne with ham – preparation

Prepare asparagus lasagne with ham

  1. Cut the asparagus into large pieces with a chef’s knife. Reserve the tips of the asparagus for the topping.
  2. In a pan, add some oil, the roughly diced onion and some salt and pepper and stir-fry the asparagus until brown.
  3. Blend or process the asparagus with the mozzarella until you have a smooth, flowing cream. If the cream is too thick, you can thin it with a little cooking water. Set aside a few slices of mozzarella for the topping.
  4. Place a layer of lasagne sheets, a layer of sauce mix, a layer of ham and a layer of Parmesan cheese in a casserole dish. If they seem too dry to you, you can make the lasagna moister by adding a teaspoon of the cooking water.
  5. Place the asparagus tips, a few slices of mozzarella and plenty of grated parmesan on the last layer.
  6. Place the lasagne in the middle of the oven and cover with a layer of aluminum foil. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Check the cooking process – if after ten minutes the lasagne is still too runny, continue cooking with the oven door slightly ajar. This will reduce the amount of liquid in the lasagne.
  7. Let the lasagna cool for 30 minutes, cut and slice and serve.
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