Home » Area 53 Bandcontest – Know The Bands – Streambleed

Area 53 Bandcontest – Know The Bands – Streambleed

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Area 53 Bandcontest – Know The Bands – Streambleed

Soon it’s time. On April 29, six bands, who have prevailed against over 70 applicants, will compete for two coveted slots for the Area 53 Festival. The big showdown will take place in the Tenne Leoben. Reason enough for us to take a closer look to see the stars of tomorrow.

Band name: Streambleed
Genre: Groove Metal
Origin: Marchtrenk, Upper Austria

For Fans Of: Lamb Of God, Devildriver, Machine Head

We get a slot at Area 53 because: we will have a unique live performance and will definitely mosh the Area 53 festival.

Fun Fact:
Our guitarist Christian has an improv side project, supported by a drummer and a slot machine, and taking lyrical inspiration from a cookbook.


Streambleed – a neologism that not only became the band’s name, but also its philosophy. Without following any given directions, the five thoroughbred musicians developed their own personal style. Live and in the studio. Uniqueness as a requirement. Versatility and creativity as an expression.

The music of Streambleed is carried by groovy-trashy riffs with varied vocals. Elements from Thrash to Death Metal elevate the typical Streambleed-Sound to a distinctive groove metal experience. With numerous live gigs in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, the band underlines their reputation as an event hyper. Mosh pits and walls of death are integral parts of the show and guarantee an unforgettable concert experience. Raise the newly designed stage show including end-time outfits Streambleed into the next live dimension.

The band was founded in 2015 by friends Stefan Wöginger (guitar) and Stefan Weilnböck (singing) in Marchtrenk, Upper Austria. With Jacob Rider (Bass), Christian Rosner (guitar) and Tobias Mayrhofer (drums) the partners for the project were found in a short time. United by their passion, the 5 musicians have grown into an inseparable unit. Countless hours in the rehearsal room have not only led to powerful songs, but also to a live quality that corresponds to and shapes international standards. Working with experts in graphics and styling guarantees a distinctive and professional appearance. Perfection is a claim that is also expressed in the studio work. The new album United in Hatred was recorded at the renowned Hertz Studio in Poland.

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With the debut album Enslave The World Forever (2018), the Single Bite and Fight (2019) and the new album United in Hatred (2022) have themselves Streambleed aiming for nothing less than reaching the pinnacle of the genre.

Line Up:
Stefan Weilnböck – vocals
Stefan “Shred” Wöginger – guitar
Christian Rosner – guitar
Jakob Reiter – Bass
Tobias Mayrhofer – drums

2018: Enslave The World In Hatred (Album)
2019: Bite And Fight (Single)
2022: United In Hatred (Album)

Support gig for Butcher
Recording of the second album at Hertz Recording Studio in Poland.

Streambleed website

Facebook Streambleed
Instagram Streambleed
Youtube Streambleed
Twitter Streambleed
Bandcamp Streambleed
Spotify Streambleed

Also on Soundmagnet.eu
Live Album Review – Infected Rain – The Devil’s Dozen
Interview – Once Human, Asked by Lauren Hart
Album Review – Heathen Foray – Oathbreaker

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