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What is love bombing in a relationship and why you should run away if you recognize it

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What is love bombing in a relationship and why you should run away if you recognize it

Love is an explosive feeling, for good but – alas – also for bad. The love bombing it is one of the most toxic manifestations of it.

From time immemorial, love has been manifested through gestures, words, sweet attentions between two people who love each other and love being together. All this, at least in the first phase, to an amplified extent: the loved one seems to be our only reason for living and occupy the center of the universe. But there is a fine line to pay attention to, under penalty of the risk of very harmful consequences.

Love bombing is a type of emotional abuse where someone uses grand gestures to manipulate another person. (Grantennistoscana.it)

If we have the “skin” feeling that in our partner’s attentions there is something exaggerated, out of place, inappropriate, probably the relationship is taking a wrong turn. What we believed was love may actually be a dangerous form of love bombing.

Everything you don’t know about love bombing

Il love bombing And a type of emotional abuse where someone uses grand gestures to manipulate another person, “bombarding” her with gifts, compliments and affection. But these actions are not done out of kindness. The love bombing it is used to make a friend, partner or loved one addicted to the relationship and to keep them in check.

Il love bombing it often stems from insecurities about trust in relationships with others. People generally resort to it for keep in check in a relationship and make others feel guilty if they question their actions. Sometimes it is intentional manipulation, other times it is unintentional. Romantic partners are the most “at risk,” but anyone can be a victim, including friends and family.

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Romantic partners are most “at risk” of love bombing, but anyone can fall victim to it, including friends and family. (Grantennistoscana.it)

Il love bombing it is typically a manipulative tactic used by people with narcissistic personality disorder, but it can also be a behavior learned from parents. How to recognize it? The signs of love bombing they can vary from person to person. However, it usually manifests itself with a large, unwanted gesture that might initially feel uncomfortable. For example, exaggerated declarations of love or admiration, constant calls and/or texts, too hasty relationships, unnecessary gifts, poor sense of boundaries.

All of these signals are distinguished from behaviors in a loving and healthy relationship because they often elicit nervous reactions. These are actions that at first make you feel loved and dependent on a certain person, but then will be used against you to isolate and control you. Il love bombing it is symptomatic of an unhealthy relationship because the behavior is manipulative and can be emotionally abusive. The “bombed up” person often finds themselves struggling with their mental health and gets stuck in a toxic relationship. As the love bombing as the emotional abuse progresses, it can worsen and even become physical.

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