Home » The most incredible function of WhatsApp: few know it, but it is very useful

The most incredible function of WhatsApp: few know it, but it is very useful

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The most incredible function of WhatsApp: few know it, but it is very useful

Whatsapp always knows how to amaze its users and also in this case it has launched a function that is not yet very well known, but it really makes a difference.

You probably haven’t heard of it because it arrived a few days ago but it is certainly already active on your smartphone as well (however, it is important to always update the application so as not to miss the latest news).

Whatsapp, the function that changes your life (Newsby)

In times of tight competition like the current one with Instagram that wants to intensify communication via chat, Facebook that doesn’t give up the bone, Telegram which tightens more and more on the groups, even the company has had to deal with some innovations to finally give users incredible but simple systems that however allow to improve the overall service.

Whatsapp’s best feature is now reality

Not all the best and essential functions are the most incredible ones, sometimes it takes very little to be able to satisfy user requests and in the end Whatsapp he chose to do it. One of the big changes concerns the possibility of finally being able to connect to multiple devices at the same time and with the same number but the package is really full-bodied.

Whatsapp news (Newsby)

Among these stands out a function that in its simplicity it is certainly the best one that could have reached users, it is the chat with your contact. Now it will be possible to start talking to your phone number for various types of communications and to keep track of something you need immediately.

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How to activate this new setting

First go up Whatsapp and open a chat, in the space type the text Wa.me/39 followed by your mobile number. Click enter and that’s it: at this point a Whatsapp chat will appear where you can “talk” to yourself and send messages, reminders, files. This function can also be activated differently or when sharing an image, by clicking directly on Whatsapp, your name will appear in the contacts (if you don’t see it, just search in the magnifying glass).

Secret function on Whatsapp (Newsby)

Always leaving the open chat together with the others you will have a way to fix every idea and thing to remember immediately, even faster than notes. It can be a sort of secret archive where you can have practically unlimited space and also in the form of reminders, from the shopping list to more important things. Also because Whatsapp has the ability to perform direct searches, you will be able to track down what you wrote at a specific time or for something specific at any time.

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