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Carol singers in the Federal Ministry of Health

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9 January 2014. Carol singers from St. Hedwig’s Cathedral Berlin visited the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) as part of the Epiphany Singing 2014. They brought blessings for the New Year and raised money for children in need.

“Bring a blessing, be a blessing. Hope for refugee children in Malawi and worldwide” – that is the motto of this year’s Epiphany Singing. The young people were musically accompanied by the cathedral conductor Harald Schmitt.

Annette Widmann-Mauz, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Health, received the “young queens and kings” in the atrium of the BMG. She presented them with a donation that BMG trainees had collected from the ministry’s employees over the past few days.

Christ bless the mansion – Christ signe dieses Haus

Around 500,000 children and young people, supported by many volunteers, will take part in the Epiphany singing in almost all communities in Germany and bring the blessing of Christ mansionem benedicat into people’s homes.

The focus of the 56th Dreikönigssingen campaign is on refugee children. The donations are intended to help alleviate the plight of children in refugee camps. Almost every second person – of the more than 45 million refugees worldwide – is a child. Many have lost their parents, they are traveling unaccompanied and are therefore exposed to particular dangers. But children who are traveling with parents or relatives also suffer from the flight situation and the loss of their homeland.

Last year, the campaign collected 43.7 million euros in donations. With this money, the Kindermissionswerk supports projects and aid programs for children in need in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Oceania and Eastern Europe.

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