Home » Peru criticized the new interference by Gustavo Petro: “False leadership in favor of a coup plotter” – EntornoInteligente

Peru criticized the new interference by Gustavo Petro: “False leadership in favor of a coup plotter” – EntornoInteligente

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Peru criticized the new interference by Gustavo Petro: “False leadership in favor of a coup plotter” – EntornoInteligente

The government of Peru denounced on Wednesday a “new and unacceptable interference” of Gustavo Petro in internal affairs. The Colombian president, during his speech before the Organization of American States, once again defended former president Pedro Castillo, imprisoned since December for his failed self-coup.

“New e unacceptable interference by Gustavo Petro in Peruvian affairs, in the OAS and in violation of its charter”, Peruvian Foreign Minister Ana Gervasi said according to the Twitter account of the Foreign Ministry of that country.

He added that his “lack of truth and disrespect for international standards denote a false leadership in favor of a coup plotter and accused of corruption”, alluding to Castillo.

The former president of that country is serving preventive detention for two cases, one related to his alleged leadership of a corrupt organization during his administration and for having tried to dissolve Parliament and start an emergency government.

Petro, whom the Peruvian Congress declared a person not gratefulonce again advocated for Castillo before the OAS Permanent Council and criticized that the former Peruvian ruler is imprisoned “without his political rights.”

“A President Taken”

“But we don’t look at Peru, then? Isn’t there a president imprisoned there without a judicial sentence, without his political rights, that is, contrary to the Democratic Charter? ”, he asked.

“The Democratic Charter says that only a judicial sentence takes away political rights, so why are they taking away the political rights of the people without a sentence?” he added.

During his speech, Petro also proposed redoing the founding charter of the OAS and assured that he is interested in and is “fighting” to reintegrate Venezuela into the organization.

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The president of Colombia, like his Mexican counterpart, Andrés López Obrador, was unaware from the beginning of the management of Dina Boluarte, who assumed the Peruvian presidency by constitutional succession, after the dismissal of Castillo, of whom she was vice president.

On repeated occasions, the Boluarte government has expressed its rejection of Petro’s acts of interference in the country’s internal affairs, as the Colombian president criticized in January the eviction of hundreds of protesters at a university in Lima and accused Peruvian police officers of “marching like Nazis” in the context of the protests that swept the country between December and March.

ORIGINAL LINK: Peru criticizes Gustavo Petro’s interference for being “in favor of a coup plotter” (elnacional.com)

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