Home » 60% of minors between the ages of 8 and 17 use the internet every day

60% of minors between the ages of 8 and 17 use the internet every day

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60% of minors between the ages of 8 and 17 use the internet every day

Currently, children and young people are exposed to a digital world that offers them endless possibilities to explore, learn and be entertained. Using electronic devices and browsing the internet have become an everyday activity for them, making them more vulnerable to cybercriminals and online dangers.

Gloria Camargo

According to data from the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), in Colombia 60% of children and young people between the ages of 8 and 17 use the Internet every day and 80% of them have access to social networks. social. Despite the benefits that technology can bring, the risks are also very high and it is important that parents, caregivers and educators take steps to prevent children from being victims of cybercrime.

Cybersecurity is an issue that cannot be taken lightly, since it is estimated that 60% of companies have suffered some kind of cybersecurity incident in recent months in Colombia. In the middle of the fourth industrial revolution and in an era in which the use of technology is essential, it is key to include cybersecurity as an educational subject, promoting practice from an early age on the care of risks they face, such as sexting, cyberbullying , identity theft and other crimes and risks that can be found through the network.

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It is important that children learn to protect their personal information and not share it with strangers. They should also learn how to spot suspicious emails, text messages, or phone calls, and know what to do if they receive a request for personal information. Additionally, they should be aware of the importance of signing out of accounts when finished using them and not saving passwords on shared devices.

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Privacy protection is another important area to address. Parents should be aware that by posting photos of their children on social networks, they are exposing them to unnecessary risks. Profiles on Facebook or Instagram can be private, but the photos that are shared are public and can be downloaded and shared for malicious purposes. It is advisable to properly configure the access that the friends list has to the contents and only grant access to personal or sensitive information to trustworthy people.

It is important to teach children to be respectful online and to avoid cyberbullying. They should know that any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination is unacceptable, whether online or offline.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is an issue that must be addressed by all parents, caregivers and educators, since children and young people are exposed to unnecessary risks online. It is important to educate them on safe practices and respect for others online, to help them navigate an increasingly complex and dangerous digital world.

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