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Laurel and lemon, here’s how to use them to deflate the belly and fight cholesterol

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Laurel and lemon, here’s how to use them to deflate the belly and fight cholesterol

Possible that such a simple remedy can really turn out effective for such an annoying problem how widespread?

Sure is that drink one bay leaf and lemon tea It doesn’t hurt, so it’s worth a try.

There are those who just hear the word “herbal tea” has a fit of anger, given that now for every ailment there is one of these magical “potions”. which seems to make it disappear as if by magic.

Obviously this is not the case but often it is little tricks able to really increase the well-being of the organism.

Does the term herbal tea not please you? Let’s call her then refreshing drink and in the meantime we are amazed by the beneficial effects it is able to produce.

What is laurel and lemon herbal tea for?

Many use laurel in the kitchenfor example for the preparation of tasty legumes, but few know instead that it is a plant that ancient civilizations used as a medicine.

In fact, the laurel has a thousand virtues, first of all that of being a powerful anti-inflammatory. In addition, it has analgesic properties and promotes diuresis, as well as eliminate toxins and excess liquids.

Il lemon is the other ingredient in this drink special, also known above all for its disinfectant properties but not only.

This fragrant fruit carries out a hypotensive, anti-uricemic, anti-rheumatic action and a discreet diuretic action.

Also, the presence of vitamin C it protects the respiratory tract and favors both the assimilation of calcium and iron.

The combined use of bay leaf and lemon proves to be very effective per:

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    keep the digestive system healthy

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    promote fat burning and thus lose weight

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    fight inflammation in the body

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    promote digestion and help in case of indigestion

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    regulate blood sugar levels

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    lower stress levels and anxiety

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    strengthen the immune system

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    activate the production of collagen in the body

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    reduce bad cholesterol.

Not only sport is therefore indicated for lowering cholesterol, as well as a healthy diet.

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How to prepare bay leaf and lemon tea (or bay leaf tea with lemon)

The necessary ingredients to prepare this thirst-quenching drink so precious for health at home they are really basic.

Indeed, they are enough 5 bay leaves, the juice of two lemons and a liter of water.

The preparation is very simple. You have to heat the water in a saucepan to bring it to a boil. But before it reaches the boiling point, so when it’s already hotthe bay leaves and the juice of the two lemons are added.

As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat and leave it to rest for about 15 minutes.

At this point you just have to filter everything, with the help of a strainer, so as to pour the drink into the cup.

A nice hot tea is ideal for breakfast or in the afternoon but the infusion can be drunk easily throughout the day, there are no contraindications. When to drink bay leaf tea for weight loss

As already mentioned, a couple of cups of this drink to sip every day it also helps in losing weightbecause it accelerates the metabolism and therefore favors the elimination of fat especially on the abdomen.

So if this is the main goal you want to achieve, then the best time to drink the herbal tea in the morning on an empty stomach.

Notoriously, this is precisely the time of day in which it is also advisable to drink warm water with lemon, just to purify the body and speed up fat metabolism.

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What are the contraindications of laurel

In reality, we have already highlighted how laurel, far from having negative effects on the well-being of the organism, is instead particularly indicated to keep us healthyso much so that it was also used in the past as a medicinal plant.

There are therefore no contraindications to its use, indeed there is only from obtain benefits from using it in the kitchennot only for the preparation of this herbal tea but also to flavor dishes, thus limiting the use of salt.

The only people who cannot benefit from the positive effects of laurel are those who are allergic to this plantboth by ingesting products that contain it and by direct contact with the leaves or with the essential oil derived from its processing.

Where laurel is good

Precisely by virtue of these properties, laurel is widely used not only in the kitchen but also in the bedroom, because its scent helps to relax and calm anxiety.

For example, you can place a bay leaf under the pillowto promote sleep or under the mattress, because it was believed that this helped to have strength, especially in view of a decisive and important day, to face the next day.

There is also a tradition that one owes one place seven bay leaves under the bed, because this would help in attracting prosperity and wealth.

Finally, put a bay leaf in shoesboth in leather and in trainers such as sneakers, are used to retain the bad smell of sweat and therefore to keep the foot perfumed.

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