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protagonist speaks in brawl at Valledupar Terminal

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protagonist speaks in brawl at Valledupar Terminal

A few minutes after having regained freedomJean Carlos Mendoza Restreporeferred to the events that disturbed public order at the Valledupar Transportation Terminal.

Mendoza Restrepo affirmed that the confrontation with the uniformed did not originate from drug use but because of the delay in delivering all the certificates.

“None of us were doing that. They have cameras there and they can tell, just as they came to us through the cameras because we were looking at the motorcycles that were behind them (the confiscated ones) saying that “how did those motorcycles get lost?” to those who take them away and from there ask for a requisition ”, Restrepo assured.

The 30-year-old man was at the site with other relatives, but some in the procedure They did not deliver their documentation on time for keeping it in their suitcases.

However, we went to the CAI, they were going to make a subpoena and when we were leaving, the police officer offended my brother, who told him to respect it, and he answered rudely, he pushed my brother and immediately the other fell from behind. That’s where the problem startedRestrepo added.

At that moment they captured Jean Carlos Restrepo with his brothers Carlos Andres Mendoza Restrepo21 years old, and Laura Mendoza Restrepo, 27, as well as his relative Lenis María Rivas Orozco.

All were taken to the Immediate Reaction Unit, URI, of the Prosecutor’s Office where they were prosecuted. However, they did not receive a security measure and were released.

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The manager of the Andrés Camilo Castro Terminal, for his part, indicated that apparently the citizens consumed psychoactive substances and recalled that there are prohibited activities in the ground station.

“The consumption of liquor and hallucinogenic substances is prohibited, therefore, we reject the physical aggression that occurred between the authorities and the users who were preparing to take a bus to Bogotá“, accurate.

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