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“We are here until November 1st”

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“We are here until November 1st”

Florence, April 27, 2023 – In the end there was none eviction of the mosque in Florence. The negotiation between the bailiff, the imam Izzedin Elzir, the lawyer representing Finvi of Prato, owner of the property, and the Florentine institutions has in fact concluded. At the end of the talks, the imam declared that the Muslim community will be able to remain in the mosque in Piazza dei Ciompi until November 1st. According to the imam, in six months therefore, the Muslim community will vacate the building.

Relive today’s live broadcast from Borgo Allegri:

8:40 Faithful inside the mosque At the moment there are some faithful inside the mosque. Absent the police.
9:04 The Finvi lawyer from Prato has arrived The lawyer arrived Finvi of Prato, owner of the land. The councilor was also present Sarah Funaro with his father, the commissioner Andrew Georgein addition to the president of the Jewish community Enrico Fink.
9:15 The Jewish community: “Florence is a good example” The president of the Jewish community Enrico Fink hopes that Florence will become “a good example and a model to be replicated elsewhere. Let’s hope we don’t get to moments of humiliation of a community”.
9:22 The judicial officer is present He arrived at the mosque the bailiff. Now he is in conversation with the imam, the Finvi lawyer and the councilor Funaro.
9:43 “It comes on new date” After the brief conversation between the bailiff, the imam, the lawyer of the property owners and the Florentine institutions. At the moment it seems that we are dealing with one new date for eviction.
10:29 Garrison of 50 faithful While the negotiations between the parties continue, in front of the mosque there is a garrison of about 50 faithful of the Muslim community. No tension.
10:35 Negotiation closed. “We are here until November 1st” The negotiations between the imam, the property owners and the Florentine institutions have been concluded. Imam Izzedin Elzir at the end of the conversation: “We are here until November 1st”. So no eviction today. The Muslim community undertakes to vacate the property in six months. Applause at the end of the deal.
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