Home » The extreme right will be in the government of Finland: the candidate for prime minister Orpo announces that he wants to ally himself with the ‘True Finns’

The extreme right will be in the government of Finland: the candidate for prime minister Orpo announces that he wants to ally himself with the ‘True Finns’

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The extreme right will be in the government of Finland: the candidate for prime minister Orpo announces that he wants to ally himself with the ‘True Finns’

In the next government of the Finland there will be the extreme right: he announced it Petteri Orpocandidate for prime minister who emerged from the elections of 2 April, and leader of the National Coalition Party (Pcn), which defeated the social democratic premier on 2 April Sanna Marin. In the new executive there will therefore be i True Finns Of Riikka Purra. The real surprise of this electoral round was precisely the boom of the far right, which becomes the second force in the country and grows to the highest in its history. Official government-formation negotiations, due to begin on May 2, will bring together the Coalition Of Orphanthe far-right Party of Finns and two minor partieshe said at a press conference in Helsinki. “Based on the government negotiations, I propose that the National Coalition Party, the True Finns, the Swedish People’s Party and the Christian Democrats participate in the government negotiations. During the exploratory phase, we will look for a common vision to solve the challenges that the Finland must face. I believe that with this composition solutions can be found,” he wrote Orphan in un tweet.

The 53-year-old conservative leader is married with two children and was elected head of Finland’s liberal conservative party’Coalition‘ in 2016. He has been a part of several governments in which he held positions from deputy premierMinister of Financesminister of Interior and minister of agricultural policies. One of the main points on which he based his electoral campaign was the economy, with the promise of reducing public debt. The Finnish political system requires the head of the party with the most seats to be given an exploratory post in order to be able to form a government and obtain the support of a parliamentary majority. The right-wing nationalist party has been led by the 45-year-old leader since 2021 Riikka Purra who has tried to modernize the image of the party and among its main points wants to reduce immigrationusing the border Sweden as a negative example, in terms of migration policy. An important fact of these elections is the growth of the big parties and the loss of votes of the smaller ones such as the party of centeri Verdi and the party of Left. Finnish media speculate that it may be tactical voting in which voters have chosen the largest parties to try to ensure that their political side wins, against that of the opposition.

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