Home » Casms towards the postponement of the match against Salernitana

Casms towards the postponement of the match against Salernitana

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Casms towards the postponement of the match against Salernitana

De Luca’s alarm

«We are tight with the times on Naples-Salernitana, obviously the date is not a decision of the Region, it is up to the prefecture, police headquarters, police forces, to evaluate above all in relation to the security problem. Honestly, I’m not able to say which date is convenient, it is something that must be evaluated very carefully by the bodies, especially the security authorities”. The governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca said it today in Naples.

«The important thing however – added De Luca – is to decide immediately, by now we are close to Saturday, the services must be organized and it is not a trivial commitment. We have to mobilize hundreds of people from the regional health service, hundreds of employees for the transport company, engage all the regional civil protection, even from other provinces to provide support, channel traffic flows and make the required barriers. In these minutes we had a request to provide 1,500 barriers as regional civil protection, we have 500 available and in these hours we have to get the others. Times are really tight. We do our utmost to lend a hand, but let’s decide quickly».

The Casms towards slip

The Casms meeting is still in progress but – as far as Mattino reports – the decision has basically been made: we are moving towards postponing the Napoli-Salernitana derby to Sunday. Very few doubts emerged during the meeting of the Analysis Committee for the safety of sporting events that will be resolved together with the prefecture of Naples where a committee for public order and safety is also underway with the prefect Claudio Palomba, the commissioner Alessandro Giuliano , the provincial commander of the carabinieri Enrico Scandone and the councilor Antonio De Iesu representing the Municipality of Naples.

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Transportation summit today

In view of the possible Scudetto party that could explode on Sunday 30 April, a meeting will be held today at the headquarters of the Municipality of Naples between the ANM and the unions to address the transport node and guarantee the extension of the subway and funicular timetables and thus allow Neapolitans to celebrate without having to resort to using the car to reach the areas of the city center.

The USB makes it known that it is «available for negotiation for the non-stop strengthening of the public service on the occasion of the Napoli championship celebrations. We will ask – they explain in a note – that a number of operators be set up, in all stations, adequate to safely deal with the high turnout of users, but also a suitable economic incentive for workers who voluntarily decide to join the event “. .

The Naples-Salerno tension rises

Waiting for the Casms, there is no shortage of Naples-Salerno tensions. The ultras and the mayor of Salerno Vincenzo Napoli do not want the match to be postponed: «We will take official steps – said Naples – with the commissioner and the prefect to ensure that the championship does not get unbalanced. We understand the reasons for public order but they must be combined with aspects of the regularity of the championship. We need to make sure that everything holds in a balanced reasoning ».

Today the decision of the Casms

The National Observatory on sporting events has passed the ball to Casms, the Analysis Committee for the safety of sporting events, which is meeting today. All this while in Naples, this morning, there will be another table in the Prefecture with the institutions and the forces of order to file the situation of next weekend and continue the organization of the official party of June 4th.

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