Home » Petro asks coffee farmers to delay the election of manager

Petro asks coffee farmers to delay the election of manager

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Gustavo Petro, president of the republic, asked the country’s coffee union to name the new general manager of the National Federation of Coffee Growers, whose election is scheduled for this Thursday.

Around midnight, the head of state asked the members of the Federation to postpone the election of the new union leader until Ricardo Bonilla, the new finance minister, was available to participate in the discussions.

If there is no surprise, Germán Bahamón Jaramillo will win the election because he has the support of the 15 departmental committees of coffee growers participating in the process.

According to the Federation Statutes, each departmental committee has a total of six votes if production exceeds 9 percent of the country’s total; 4 votes are given if production is between 3 and 9 percent; and only two votes are awarded if production is less than 3 percent.

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On March 27, the list of candidates for general manager of the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC) began its visit to coffee growers in each of the organization’s 15 departmental committees.

The list also includes Sandra Morelli Rico and Santiago Pardo Salguero as replacements for Roberto Vélez Vallejo.

Given the recent departures of the Ministers of Finance and Agriculture, José Antonio Ocampo and Cecilia López, the election would only have the support of Germán Umaa, Minister of Commerce, and Jorge González, National Director of Planning, on behalf of the Government.

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