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Is it true that having sex rejuvenates?

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Is it true that having sex rejuvenates?

The subject of sexuality and its impact on health has been the subject of study and research for decades.

One of the most popular myths is that having sex makes you younger and may even have anti-aging benefits on the human body.

We’re going to look at some of the benefits that sex can have for our health and appearance, and how it can help us feel younger and more vital.

Sex is a physical and emotional activity that involves multiple body systems, from the cardiovascular to the hormonal.

Some of the benefits of having sex

When having sex, we release chemical substances such as oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins, which give us pleasure, well-being and relaxation.

In addition, sex improves blood circulation, which favors the oxygenation of tissues and the transport of nutrients.

These effects translate into a series of benefits for our health and our beautywhich can make us look younger and more attractive.

sex reduces stress

One of the main factors that accelerate aging.

By relaxing, we decrease the production of cortisol, a hormone that negatively affects collagen and elastin, responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Sex improves sleep quality

Another key aspect to stay young. During sleep, cell regeneration occurs and toxins that accumulate in the body are eliminated.

Sleeping well helps us prevent wrinkles, dark circles and fatigue.

Sex strengthens the immune system

What protects us from diseases and infections.

According to some studies, people who have sex at least once a week have more antibodies than those who don’t.

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Sex burns calories and tones muscles

What helps us maintain a healthy weight and good physical shape.

In addition, sex increases the production of testosterone and estrogen, hormones that influence metabolism and the distribution of body fat.

Sex improves the appearance of skin, hair, and breasts

By stimulating blood circulation, the sex brings more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, giving it a brighter and more hydrated appearance.

It also promotes hair growth and makes it shinier and more resistant.

On the other hand, sex causes a slight swelling of the breasts due to increased blood flow, which makes them look firmer and more voluptuous.

As we can see, sex has multiple benefits for our health and beauty, which can help delay aging and make us feel younger.

Of course, these benefits do not depend only on the frequency of sex, but also on the quality of it.

To fully enjoy sex, it is important to have good communication with your partner, take care of intimate hygiene, use contraceptive methods and protection against sexually transmitted diseases, and above all, respect each other’s wishes and limits.


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