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They burn machinery that builds a variant to Panamericana

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They burn machinery that builds a variant to Panamericana

Four men who identified themselves as members of the Farc dissidents reached the village of San Antonio, kilometer 65, where the Pan-American Highway variant is being built in the municipality of Rosas and set fire to a backhoe excavator.

When presenting a balance of what happened, the mayor of Rosas, José Roberto Campo, rejected this violent act and said that “four people arrived on two motorcycles. A watchman was guarding the backhoe owned by the consortium that is carrying out the works. They have him removed and end up incinerating the machine. Fortunately, there are no injuries.”

For his part, the Secretary of the Government of Cauca, Diego Aguilar, stated that “we hope that the competent authorities will carry out the respective investigations and take the corresponding measures.”


The Secretary of Infrastructure of Cauca, José Rodrigo Astaiza, explained that the machine belonged to the Ingeniería de Vías consortium, who, apparently, had received some warnings from the illegal armed group.

The official indicated that “the construction firm is concerned and they say that if they do not have the security guarantees to operate, they would initiate a suspension of the work they are carrying out in Cauca.”

The first hypotheses handled by security agencies have to do with possible extortion charges.

The authorities are also trying to determine if the violent act is a retaliation by the armed group for the capture of one of its leaders.

In addition, they reported that this action did not leave any injuries or fatalities.

On the other hand, there is concern in this region because this fact could generate alterations in the work schedule on the road or, in the worst case, the suspension or withdrawal of the consortium and its personnel, which would affect mobility in the south of the region.

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